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A Community of Love

Updated on September 22, 2018
Sean Dragon profile image

Sean is a teacher who is writing about his spiritual adventures to help other people find balance and self-respect.


Bless your day by offering Love. If you do so, you will bless all others who interact with you.

— Sean Dragon

Blessed to Know All You

When I first started my journey here at HubPages, about a year ago, publishing my first article "I Am Light and to the Light, I Return" I thought I'd find a welcoming place to expose my view of life, my view of the world, my view of everything. But what I found was invaluably bigger. It was much more than I could imagine. It was a community of Love.

I found you all, my beloved friends, who embraced me with your Love and helped me to manifest things that I did not even know I had. I found luminous people willing to serve, support and offer without asking for any reward. I found people who care, who are dreaming of a world like the one God has imagined for us. I found a new great family with many brothers and sisters!

For this blessing, I will always be grateful because it changed my life by helping me to take the next step towards Knowledge! Each of you, through the diversity of your talents, gave me different pieces of this Knowledge and all helped me to see my path more clearly.

So now, 50 articles later, I would like to thank you in my own way. As I have written in my two texts:

"I Am Happy Because I Remember Myself! Part 1: the Treasure" and

"I Am Happy Because I Remember Myself! Part 2: The Beginning",

my way to safely walk on my path is to create "signs", short aphorisms which I use to remind me who I am and where I want to go. Hence, I would like to dedicate to each of you one of my quotes, as a minimum sample of my gratitude. Obviously, it is difficult to refer to everyone I have met here, and so I will confine myself to those who I feel that they have helped me more by hoping for everyone else to forgive my weakness.

The order in which the names will appear is random, but I have tried to choose for each one of you one of my quotes that I think fits better. I hope to be, even a little, worthy of you.

The Tribute

An offer to Bill Holland:

"The one who loves does not see it as a sacrifice but as a need to offer. The others with the eyes of selfishness see it as a sacrifice."

An offer to John Hansen:

"Life is poetry, and everyone can become a great poet if he lives with Love."

An offer to Dana Tate:

"I was struggling to be happy, but I never achieved it until I decided to work to make others happy. Then I experienced the Bliss."

An offer to Mary Norton:

"I am eternally young, free and complete."


An offer to Paula:

"To their malice, I answer with kindness because only with the Light you can persecute the darkness."

An offer to Mitchell Marso:

"What can you answer to the confusion that does not misinterpret it?"

An offer to Manatita:

"You can only blame them for what they know, and they do not heed. And they know so little. Show them with your life."

An offer to Paul K Francis:

"Make the Love a shield against the confusion of delusions."

An offer to Shannon Henry:

"Today, count the blessings that exist in your life."

An offer to Maurice Glaude:

"The more we experience and manifest Love, the more the world of selfishness and delusions tries to blame us and prove us insane. That is what I consider to be an accolade and not a problem for me, however difficult it may be."

An offer to Audrey Hunt:

"Humans count the quality of their relationships based on how much they can get from them. When we begin to regard any relationship as an opportunity to offer, without worrying about what we will get, this world will eventually become an earthly Paradise."

An offer to Missy Smith:

"The Liberty from the world of illusions will come when we cease to find excuses and take our responsibilities."


An offer to Dora Weithers:

"Revelation does not prophesy the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it."

An offer to Louise Barraco:

"Among the responsibilities we have, the greatest is to live happily."

An offer to Phyllis Doyle Burns:

"For the one who Loves Time is a friend."

An offer to Tim Truzy:

"God will never ask us to sacrifice anything. We abandon the waste while we rise."

An offer to Chitrangada Sharan:

"No matter how they try, they will not make me see enemies anywhere. Only blessings everywhere."

An offer to Lana Adler:

"Every word of Love is a powerful spell since it turns the rust of the Mind and Soul into gold."

An offer to Eric Dierker:

"When you divide your Love, to embrace more people, it always is large enough to include them all. The more you divide Love, the more Love multiplies. This miracle is the Seal of the Great Architect of the Universe in His creation."


An offer to Chris Mills:

"There is a whole world, a magical world, hidden behind the one we see."

An offer to Shaloo Walia:

"I have enough Light within me to expel any darkness."

An offer to Frank Atanacio:

"Do not compromise with the lie. Live the Truth within you."

An offer to rdsparrowriter:

"There is no more beautiful music than the happy and carefree laugh of a little child."

An offer to Brian Leekley:

"When you say 'good morning', do not just say it as a wish but as consciousness."

An offer to Kari Poulsen:

"Think of your power as a rechargeable battery. Any thought, word, or act of Love that you do or say recharges this battery. Do not let it run empty."

An offer to Miebakagh Fiberesima:

"Like the plants which turn to the sun, because without it they will die, our Souls turn to the Light because it ‘feeds’ them and keeps them alive."

An offer to Venkatachari M:

"Our struggle is our blessing."


An offer to Dred Cuan:

"Every moment, even the most difficult, is a miracle. Let's lose the less we can."

An offer to Louise Powles:

"We do not learn the Truth, we remember it, because it always existed within us."

An offer to Li-Jen Hew:

"I am the solution to any problem that concerns me."

An offer to Nikki Khan:

"Life always has its way. Trust it for the best."

An offer to D Shannahan:

"Live by serving the Truth, and she will never betray you."

An offer to Linda Lum:

"Each one of us chooses the materials with which she or he creates the world. I choose Love and smile."

God Bless you all! Let’s make this Community of Love stronger!

Do not care about the opinion of the world, care only about the opinion of Love.

— Sean Dragon

© 2018 Ioannis Arvanitis


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