how to get going in the day when you don't feel like it

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  1. RGraf profile image88
    RGrafposted 14 years ago

    how to get going in the day when you don't feel like it

  2. ScrummyMummy profile image60
    ScrummyMummyposted 14 years ago

    A shower or some form of outdoor exercise. Or just go to bed and wait til it blows over

  3. profile image52
    rockgirl46posted 14 years ago

    I know the feeling.  Check out my hub at rockgirl46.  I'm trying some new 7 day habits.  Its a daily thing I'm doing to try and get more motivated and get more done at home.  Let me know what you think.

  4. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 14 years ago

    Even if it kills you write down what needs to be done and then execute it.  Getting things done is so mental, exercise your brain the best way you know how to be repetitious and disciplined (so in situations where you don't feel like it your brain will respond just because).  I can't tell you how but however you choose to disciplining your brain takes time and repetition.  Even on those days you don't feel like doing anything!  If you are bed bound start by executing some of your task in bed and before you know it you will be so charged---- you will be up and out doing more than you intended to....ciao

    Vonda G. Nelson

  5. BDazzler profile image78
    BDazzlerposted 14 years ago

    Generally ... Coffee.  I sit with a hot cup and I talk to God about it. I ask for the help to "kick it in gear" ... I find something, little or big, to thank Him for ... even if the rest of the time is spent griping and moaning ... usually by the second or third cup, I'm good to go.

  6. Darlene Sabella profile image60
    Darlene Sabellaposted 14 years ago

    This may sound strange, but my dog and cat wake me up, I take them outside to do there business, then, my pets run into my office and perch themselves in front of my large window and that is how they start their day.  So I get a cup of coffee, turn on my computer to check my messages, I am then spending all day with questions and answers and writing at the hubs and articles and all of a sudden the day is gone, it's getting dark, the pet's want their dinner, I then take a break and hurry back to work some more.  I love what I do so much, maybe that is the secret....

  7. divine88 profile image60
    divine88posted 14 years ago

    even exercise and outdoor games sometimes cannot improve the habit so talk more of making the feeling to get positive it comes from the inner receses of the mind.
    1. think  of the yesterdays achievements
    2. think of the losses you didnt ever want to incure
    3. dream of the goodies you are going to lose that day if dont beef up your mind
    4.and the most  important, though you might hnot believe it you  are made for that thats why you dont feel like anything so..... tell your you are still in control


  8. profile image53
    ShareC13posted 14 years ago

    Crank up your favorite tunes! Whatever you find inspiring and or motivating. Dance around a little or do arm circles! Just move to get your blood flowing. Awake? okay, now eat your favorite breakfast! Chocolate ice cream? Okay, whatever floats your boat! Use positive self talk! Don't say oh I don't want to, Say I can and I will and when I have, I will reward myself with....

  9. Pathik Pathak profile image60
    Pathik Pathakposted 14 years ago

    Meditate and put your mind on rest.  Either lie flat on your back, or, sit on a chair with  straight back and try to breathe easy.  Keep your eyes closed. I'm making a hub on this subject.  Follow please.

  10. gramarye profile image60
    gramaryeposted 14 years ago

    I drink a large cup of carrot juice, it really gets my heart started before I start work for the day

  11. beverleejb profile image60
    beverleejbposted 13 years ago

    Well, I don't feel like that too much.
    It's only when I have knee pain so I usually take something and get on with my day


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