How can you deal with depression and anxiety without medication or therapy?

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  1. badegg profile image76
    badeggposted 13 years ago

    How can you deal with depression and anxiety without medication or therapy?

  2. Mark Ewbie profile image60
    Mark Ewbieposted 13 years ago

    There are a lot of techniques and a lot of information in all kidns of books.  Also your doctor doesn't need to reach for the pill prescription immediately.  If it's not too serious try - exercise, eating properly, being sociable, dancing to music - those sort of simple life improvement processes.

  3. maticmagister profile image60
    maticmagisterposted 13 years ago

    Bring your attention to yourself first. Go into yourself and start looking for causes of depression and anxiety. Most things that trouble people are in their sub conciousness and we usually aren't aware of them directly. Start at the surface and question every answer that comes up and go down layer by layer until you reach the root cause. Face every answer head on, look at it, stay with it, it might bring up fear and pain, but stay with it anyway. Your mind will realize that there is no purpose holding on to that idea anymore and it will let it go thus releasing emotional knots that are causing your depressions and anxiety. Your sub conciousness does not know past or future, it lives from moment to moment and it holds on to every idea it has, it has no knowledge that it is causing you damage. It is in a sense similar to a computer, full of programming and codes that execute themselves when a situation is presented in your life. Those programs did work for you in the past but are now obsolete and cause you only problems. Most people look for answers in their surroundings, their outside world which usually gets them nowhere. With self inquiry you will dissolve many problems/programs that are no longer needed in your present life. 

    best of luck

  4. lex123 profile image83
    lex123posted 13 years ago

    In addition to the above, spending some time with the patient by talking and listening, encourage to get involved with some hobbies etc too can be helpful.

  5. cloudy_cool profile image73
    cloudy_coolposted 13 years ago

    Self-Hypnosis & Meditation works for me.
    Having had a bad childhood and an uncomfortable relationship with my parents, I've been struggling with depression, lack in enthusiasm towards life, rage, and getting easily personal when someone says anything that I don't like. This affected my career, friendships and my self esteem at various levels.
    My parents always went for therapy and didn't come out with any good results, or at-least I didn't see any difference in them. So going for therapy was the last on my list as I just wont believe in it...
    So after a lot of research, I took two sessions of online therapy and got the idea of 'vision board' and 'getting into my childhood subconscious & being my own hero to save myself from my past hurts'
    Later I found that the self-hypnosis of a popular British NLP expert made a great level of difference and I'm sticking to it.
    I don't feel as much in control of my depression and rage as I would have liked, but several conscious reminders to improve my life for the better is helping me with this journey.

  6. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    ummm... i guess you learn the coping skills as you go just by getting to know yourself kowing your triggers and what helps and what dosent if you have a higher power it helps greatly you just have to know your mind body and spirit what it can and cant take how to help yourself and what to avoide. It takes strenghth and discpilne but i beleave you can do it if you realy want relife. when you are willing and ready for change it will come dont loose hope stay strong and get ready for a wonderfull acomplishment. Nothing is worth having if you dont have to work for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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