How to overcome depression?

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  1. algarveview profile image73
    algarveviewposted 12 years ago

    How to overcome depression?

    My mom had postpartum depression 40 years ago, when she had my sister, but she never quite bounced back, through the years she's always in and out of it, to a point where I really don't think the pills do any good anymore... Any similar experiences? Any solutions?

  2. BlissfulWriter profile image81
    BlissfulWriterposted 12 years ago

    There are so many different possible causes of depression, that to find the right solution would entail determining the correct cause.

    Here are just a list of some of the possible causes of depression...

    But the two things I would highly suggest is take omega-3 fish supplements and exercise.   Both has been shown to reduce certain types of depression.  And there is no harm or side effects from either of these.  In fact, healthy non-depressed people should take omega-3 and exercise.

    1. saday profile image59
      sadayposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Nice answer, Voted

  3. saday profile image59
    sadayposted 12 years ago

    Please follow my hub … ychiatrist
    Hope reading this you will definitely get some ideas.

  4. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
    Shahid Bukhariposted 12 years ago

    I cannot understand the term, Postpartum ... although I understand its suffix ... Depression.

    What appears to be the case in your mom's 'postpartum' Depression ...  as I understand is some Event, that initially kicked off a Physical-natured condition ... That her condition over the years has become, Chronic  ... by, what apparently are, Emotional Associations.

    Pills ... are not the solution ... never were ... nor shall ever be ... the cure of Depression.

    The Physical state of Depression  may be temporarily relieved by drugs counteracting Depression, by a Chemically induced Sense of Elation ... until these cease to have the required effect, due systemic accumulation.

    The best course would be to remain in touch with your Physician/Psychiatrist ...
    For Radical measures ... such as "Transforming" the Existent State of Symptoms may  not be Acceptable to you and your Mom.

    All Moms are truly Loving Moms ...
    I Pray ... May The Lord help your Mom overcome her Problems.

    1. saday profile image59
      sadayposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mr.Bukhari,Postpartum means the time-period shortly after childbirth. Depression occurring during this time is postpartum depression. This can occur in men and women. A combination of prescribed anti-depressants, rest, therapy can help overcome this.

    2. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for explaining the term. Reckon, the child involved "is" the key Element ... in the referred problem.
      And while I can understand a woman undergoing Post Partum Depression ... but could you explain ... How/Why, Men should Suffer PPD !

  5. Self Help Tips profile image68
    Self Help Tipsposted 12 years ago


    My suggestions would be to start looking at awareness and mindfulness training such as 'Acceptance Commitment Therapy'.

    This is more useful than simply taking pills as it allows you to both look at the root causes of the depression - i.e. the underlying negative thoughts and also provides a practical framework to counter the episodes when they occur.

    This is not psychoanalytic or psycho-therapeutic in that the focus is NOT on childhood traumas but is about coping with things in the here and now on a daily basis.

    Hope this is of some help and good luck to your mum and to you.

    PS My mother was and has been psychiatrically unwell with similar issues and she is now much better. As her relative and someone who cares for her remember to take good care of yourself too because I know from first hand experience how easy it is to become wrapped up in situation and then lose sight of your own wellbeing.

  6. jeshon profile image61
    jeshonposted 12 years ago

    Find yourself and what you want. Become a strong person with a purpose in life.
    Meditation and personal development is a great way out of depression. Work with yourself and find that you have a lot to live for, your own happiness and exploring of life.

  7. krillco profile image85
    krillcoposted 12 years ago
  8. profile image0
    Be Pain Freeposted 12 years ago

    I agree with the exercise and psychotherapy ideas (fish oil and meditation are promising too). That said, I highly recommend finding a psychiatrist who will experiment with drug therapy a bit.

    Has your mum been off and on the same medicine for quite a while? While tri-cyclics and SSRIs all have similar actions, for whatever reason, they can have vastly different effects on disease remission. While Zoloft might make you tired, Lexapro might cause a lifting of mood, allowing one to experiment with things like exercise and meditation (these can be very hard to implement when everything seems extremely difficult and unrewarding). Hell, the right combination of medicines can effect complete remission of symptoms. I've seen it several times (friends and family).

    The key is to see a psychiatrist who is willing to experiment. A combination of drugs might be useful. By the by, I'm not incredibly pro-drug or pro-doctor, I just know how frustrating depression can be. Nothing is worthwhile when you have low mood, so outside intervention can make all the difference.


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