Hot flashes - how long?

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  1. GmaGoldie profile image80
    GmaGoldieposted 11 years ago

    Hot flashes - how long?

    OK, there is allot of information about hot flashes but how long are you afflicted? Ladies help me out here - is there end in sight? What can I expect for the duration of this trauma to my body and mind?

  2. mbwalz profile image87
    mbwalzposted 11 years ago

    Hot flashes, caused by hormonal imbalances, can last for as long as the hormones are out of balance. I used to work for Women to Women's home program several years ago. One of the things I learned about hot flashes is diet and stress contribute in a big way to the imbalance. But specifically, the main triggers to hot flashes are: caffeine, stress, high simple carbs, and hot temperatures. We always recommended a diet where you always ate the 3 macro-nutrients together - carbs, fats, and protein. Always eat whole foods, including full fat foods (which actually work as amazing appetite suppressants), and keep your carb intake to 15 grams/meal, 7 for your snack. If your are very active, you can raise that somewhat. And remember, certain vegetables and of course fruits are considered carbs. So, tracking when you have a hot flash and reflecting on what's going on in your life as well as your diet (did you just have soda (diet sodas sometimes make it worse)) can go a long way to helping you take control of the hot flashes.

  3. menomania profile image60
    menomaniaposted 11 years ago

    Hi, well, there is no right answer here.  Every woman is different.  For me, I struggled with hot flashes for approx. 8 years!  Seemed eternal at the time.  I have known women who suffered with them for four or five years, some longer, some shorter, so it is all dependent on your body make-up.  I was able to control them most of the time by using the herb black cohosh.  I personally had to double the amount it said to take, and when I took it regularly it worked wonders.  It is accumulative, so it may take a week or two to start working, but I would give it a try if it doesn't interfere with any other medications you are on.  God Bless, Lisa

  4. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 11 years ago

    I had hot flashes for about ten years. I went into menopause early due to chemotherapy. The hot flashes stopped abruptly about 5 years ago. Anyways everyone is different. My mother in law started with hot flashes and is almost 74. She's still having them.

  5. profile image51
    pronatali2003posted 6 years ago

    Hello! This is a very urgent topic. Hormonal reorganization in the body of women on average starts at 46 - 55 years and can last up to 10 - 15 years. Hormone replacement therapy completely allows to get rid of tides. This is when the body from the outside is added hormones that cease to be produced naturally. However, this method has many contraindications (hypertension, liver disease, problems with blood vessels, there is also a risk of a dangerous side effect - the development of oncology.
    Anxious state and fear bother the woman. Awareness helps to calm the body and reduce stress. The cause of the tides is not a catastrophe of the whole organism; it is temporary malfunctions in the thermoregulation system. In the female body, the sex hormones estrogen ceases to be produced. They have a direct effect on the center of thermoregulation in the brain. Until adaptation takes place - adaptation to a new "regime", failures are possible. The brain receives false signals of overheating, and the mechanisms of dumping excess heat are activated - heat, increased heart rate, redness of face and neck, then chills. Perhaps dizziness and headache. Eventually, everything will calm down. More frequent tides occur in women after eating sharp and hot food. Also after drinks: coffee, strong black tea, alcohol. Doctors advise to avoid such "irritants" and switch to a calmer diet: light green tea and juices, warm dishes, less spicy and salty.
    Magnesium stabilizes the state of the nervous system, including peripheral. It helps to fight against vegetative-vascular conditions, when he throws something in the heat, then in the cold. Magnesium is rich in seafood, sesame seeds, spinach, bran. Calcium is important for bones, the density of which decreases with hormonal restructuring. It is best to get calcium from fermented milk products.
    Frequent headaches are another companion of menopause. In addition to medicines, you can help yourself in several other ways:
    - Breathing exercises: deep breaths and slow exhalations. Including this method is recommended to use if you feel the approach of the tide.
    - Head massage: start with the temporal area, gradually move to the forehead and the occipital.
    - Put a warm compress on your head and / or tightly wrap it with a woolen scarf or handkerchief.
    Climax is not a disease. Іt’s a way of life. Everything will be fine with you.


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