Getting a six-pack

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  1. profile image0
    fit2dayposted 13 years ago

    I have heard many people complain about not being able to get a six pack, but the problem I find is most people aren't willing to put forth the time and effort it takes to get one and fall for the fast abs gimmicks that refuse to point out the fact that everybody's different.

    "does anybody remember the ab belt?" when it came out I was in high school wondering how anyone could expect to get a six pack by doing absolutely nothing. The reason most people fail to obtain the six pack is because the abdominal muscles are the hardest to train and fat accumulates more in the belly than other places on the body. Think about it, how many people do you see with great abs that have flab everywhere else?

    There are a multitude of exercises that work the abdominals, one of my favorites being side crunches(really hits those love handles. It's important when doing any ab exercise to actually engage the abs, which sounds more simple than it actually is.

    1. wedding speeches profile image59
      wedding speechesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Has to be diet. Have you ever seen Survivor where they don't eat much and by the end of a month they have six packs? It's about diet but not starving yourself of course.

      Try looking into a slow carb diet that Tim Ferris talks about in his new book. I'm doing a modified version of it now and I'm starting to see more definition.

  2. rcrm89 profile image63
    rcrm89posted 13 years ago

    Diet is the key player.

    Even if you have the most awesomely developed abdominal muscles in the world, you won't be seeing them if they're hiding behind a layer of fat.

  3. muscleguru profile image59
    muscleguruposted 13 years ago

    Totally agree with the previous comment, abs are made in the kitchen and not in the gym. Okay, you still need to work the abs but less frequently and don't forget they are just like every other muscle, they respond to weight. So don't get in the 2000 situp a day culture as you will be wasting your time.

  4. ftclick profile image56
    ftclickposted 13 years ago

    yes sir. diet and abs. P90x routines are what I do (not all of them though).  It has helped me get superhero abs for the 1st time, and I don't even do them all and never everyday. Abs entail doing many different things, a core workout is best.

  5. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    well,and I thought you were talking about beer! big_smile

  6. profile image50
    wegotfitness.composted 13 years ago

    Most fitness individuals, if not all, will tell you that six pack abs have to do with your nutrition and workouts. However, in some cases abs are just genetics.
    It isn't easy to get a six pack, but if you are serious and devoted it is possible to obtain one.
    PS-Don’t keep on waiting! Every minute you wait is a minute that is wasted!

  7. lanix13 profile image60
    lanix13posted 13 years ago

    The problem is there is no way to target just the flab on your stomach, your body gets to decide what fat it burns first.  The key to fat loss is major effort in diet and full body workouts.  To get your abs to show, first diet and do full body exercises, then once the body fat is down you can focus on working the abs.  If you workout the abs before losing the fat, you may have your stomach push out more by building the muscles under the fat.

  8. guy1973 profile image54
    guy1973posted 13 years ago

    I have been planning to get in the gym and work those abs, but am lazy. my good friend at work spends 2-3hrs everyday at the gym and has 6 pack and has been pushing me to join him, but i always came up with excuses. i think one needs to serious, determined and have discipline if he wants to obtain 6 packs.

    1. Bronson_Hub profile image61
      Bronson_Hubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Lanix13 is the only person here who hit the nail on the head quoting him to bump helpful information:

      "The problem is there is no way to target just the flab on your stomach, your body gets to decide what fat it burns first.  The key to fat loss is major effort in diet and full body workouts.  To get your abs to show, first diet and do full body exercises, then once the body fat is down you can focus on working the abs.  If you workout the abs before losing the fat, you may have your stomach push out more by building the muscles under the fat."


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