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5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day

Updated on September 28, 2017
5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Source

Morning Beauty Tips

How you spend your morning impacts not only your entire day but also the quality of your life in general. It has a great influence on how you feel and how the rest of the day is going. Incorporate some morning healthy habits into your morning routine and you will see the changes very soon.

Are you a morning person? Do you enjoy to be woken up early by your smartphone wake up sound? Unfortunately, I can’t say I’m this type of person. Actually, it takes me so long to get up! But does it mean the first thing I have to reach for is a cup of coffee? No, we all know this one is not the best option. And probably checking your phone, your email, social media isn’t a good idea either. So how is better to start your day?

1. Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water

5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day | Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Drink a Glass of Warm Lemon Water | Source

Drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon each morning. It helps kick start the digestion process and your digestive system will be ready for the coming meals, it also cleans the system and boosts your immune system. The warm water won’t shock your system and the lemon adds some taste to it.

2. Start your day with a morning yoga at home

5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day | Start Your Day With a Morning Yoga at Home
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Start Your Day With a Morning Yoga at Home | Source

Take some time for yourself. All you need is your mat! Do some pilates class, mini workout or just yoga, or you can mix workout with yoga (we all know that after we strengthen our muscles we also have to lengthen them, so stretching at the end is a must). Here you can find lots of YouTube videos that will provide you with the real yoga sessions! And you can do it at your home at any time you want! Of course, it’s the best way to start your day! Even after a 20-min workout you feel strong and refreshed, have a post-workout glow and ready for any challenges of the day! Here’s a YouTube channel I recommend.

Boho Beautiful | Morning Yoga Perfection

3. Take a shower

You should absolutely shower before bed as it’s extremely important to feel clean when going to bed, calm down after a long day and fall asleep fast. In the morning, it gives you some time to meditate before starting a long day. It’s best to choose lukewarm water, not too cold or too hot. Let the fresh, warm water flow over your body, take some time!

4. Open blinds for some morning sunlight

5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day | Open blinds for some morning sunlight
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Open blinds for some morning sunlight | Source

Open windows and take a deep breath. Feel the coolness of the air and just breath. Do you feel how amazing it is to wake up early in the morning when the air is fresh and it’s so quiet and calm outside?

5. Breakfast is everything

5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day | Breakfast Is Everything
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Breakfast Is Everything | Source

Our bodies need some fuel for the day, make sure to include protein to your meal in the morning. That will help you to feel fuller for a long time and it will keep you from snaking on the junk food your body doesn’t need. It decreases chances you will overeat throughout the day.

You shouldn’t consume too much sugar as it will leave you hungry just a half hour later. For breakfast, a great choice would be:

5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day | Breakfast Is Everything
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Breakfast Is Everything | Source

Oatmeal with raisins/berries (popular types include blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries).It’s lower in sugar than most fruits and higher in fiber! Also, berries contain antioxidants. You can add it to yogurt, oatmeal and pretty much to everything for breakfast!

Add some fruits/nuts. We all know fruits contain vitamins, potassium, fiber and are low in calories. All types of nuts are high in potassium, magnesium; they are filling and help prevent weight gain (even though it’s known they are high in calories, studies show you do not absorb all of the fat containing in them).

5 Morning Daily Routine  Habits That Will Make Your Day | Breakfast Is Everything
5 Morning Daily Routine Habits That Will Make Your Day | Breakfast Is Everything | Source

Green tea provides half the amount of caffeine coffee contains. Also, it contains an antioxidant, which protects the brain, heart and nervous system from damage.

Cottage cheese is high in protein, that gives you that feeling of fullness and increases metabolism. It’s considered to be as filling as eggs.

Breakfast is your personal choice, experiment with it! Anyways, all these products are not only filling and tasty but also it doesn’t take much time to cook it. Oatmeal takes barely 10 minutes and a lot of products you can use like snacks during the rest of the day!


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