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Living With Fear

Updated on November 11, 2018
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I spend my time writing about my own personal experiences from many aspects of my life, and my goal is to help others benefit.

Living With Fear

My experience living with fears and how I improved my life
My experience living with fears and how I improved my life

Living With Fear

Living With Fear

Most of you are going to think this article is about children with separation anxiety disorder, but actually I am referring to anyone even puppies and dogs who might be experiencing the symptoms from this disorder. You might find this article interesting and informative at the same time for not just your puppy or dog, but for anyone with these symptoms. Don't be fooled to think this only causes fear in children and dogs, you can be living with this fear despite your age or gender. The first thing you need to realize are the symptoms, so first let's look at the symptoms puppies and dogs experience.

Puppies And Dogs

Puppies are known to be sensitive to separation anxiety when their owners are away, but many people are not aware full-grown dogs can experience this as well. Many canines adopted from a shelter find it difficult when their new owners leave them home alone, but did you ever consider your family pet could develop the symptoms when the children start back to school? This is very common when the family pet develops an extremely close bond with a child, so what are the symptoms your dog might be experiencing when your child goes back to school?

  • Barking excessively for no reason
  • Whining most of the day until your child comes home
  • Urinating indoors especially in your child's room
  • Chewing your child's favorite things
  • Constantly pacing in the house
  • Clawing to get outdoors,but not need to go to the potty
  • Many dogs will react in destructive ways to their increased anxiety
  • A small number of dogs will react in just the opposite manner as if they might be unhealthy

Recommended Essential Oils For Dogs

I highly recommend you consider using these essential oils for your puppies and dog's anxiety, I have been a dog owner my entire life, and I have had positive results with anxious canines using these oils for their separation anxiety disorder.

  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Frankincense
  • Rose Geranium
  • Rosemary

I have used lavender essential oils for all my puppies and dogs for their anxiety issues, and I have also used the others in the list above as well. I recommend you start off with lavender oil to see how this works for you. I also recommend you start with very low doses and gradually increase the dose to be safe. Another oil I have read is being used with success for this disorder is CBD hemp seed oil, but I have never used this oil myself.

Children With Separation Anxiety Disorder

Children often experience this disorder when they start kindergarten, so it is a good idea for parents to start their child being used to being apart before they begin kindergarten. Many times young children are always accompanied by their parents or their grandparents, so this can be a very emotional experience for some children when they must be without their family for their first time. Let's compare the symptoms of children compared to puppies and dogs, so what is a child's symptoms?

  • Excessive crying
  • Being clingy
  • Taking Tantrums
  • Appear to be sick or unhealthy
  • Fear of leaving home
  • Refuse to go to school
  • Sleep issues or insomnia

As you can see, there is some similar symptoms between children and dogs, so what are the best essential oils for children with separation anxiety disorder? I recommend parents give these oils a try, and again you want to start off with low doses and gradually increase until you find the best dosage for your child.

Recommended Essential Oils For Children

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Vetiver
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense

These are the essential oils parents recommend which are the most effective for the majority of children, but every child has a different body chemistry so you must experiment to find which one works the best for your child. I recommend starting with lavender oil since this oil works well for many kids, and you can find essential oil blends made especially with children in mind.

Adults With Separation Anxiety Disorder

The main reason I know adults live with fear from this disorder is from my own personal experience, and every person will not have the same fears from this disorder. One thing which is common is their fear of being alone or away from their safe place, and their symptoms are severe enough to control their quality of life. What are some of the most common symptoms grown-up adults might experience with this disorder, so if you find several of these symptoms familiar you too might have a touch of separation anxiety?

  • Fear of getting lost when traveling alone
  • Persistent worrying about what might happen
  • Severe cases people are scared of being kidnapped or harmed
  • Avoid going out as much as possible
  • Insomnia or sleep problems
  • NIghtmares
  • Feeling physical unhealthy
  • Depression
  • Dependent on others
  • Often has a safe place and safe person
  • Unemployed or must work from home
  • Often social anxiety accompanies separation anxiety disorder
  • Struggles to perform to their ability
  • Substance abuse is common

Recommended Essential Oils For Adults

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Vetiver
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Bergamot

I have used the essential oils in the list above for my own separation anxiety disorder symptoms, and I prefer to use lavender oil the most since it seems to help me the best. I also like lavender oil for its calming and relaxing feeling it provides me, but I really get the most benefits from this oil to get a good nights sleep. You can use this oil in a diffuser in your bedroom, but I just add a few drops under my pillow every night and I am good for the night.

CBD Hemp Seed Oil

Even though there has been more people using CBD hemp seed oil for anxiety, I have not tried this oil myself, but it is being used for puppies and dogs as well as children and adults for anxiety disorders. I will not recommend this oil since I have never used it myself, but I thought you should be aware this is another essential oil which is available.

Anxiety Today

I am not a medical professional or an expert in essential oils, so the information in this article is from my own experience and research over the years. Separation anxiety disorder is just one of the common health issues people are experiencing today, but for me using essential oils has been what has provided me the most dramatic change in my life. I also recommend learning and using relaxation techniques regularly, so maybe that will be a future article to share with you one day?

Thank You


© 2018 Jeffrey C Brown


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