weight lose program for aged and old people
Fatness and weight gain can become a serious problem for old and aged people if not properly managed.
A lot of sickness and old age related problems can easily be avoided if ones weight can be controlled at this time (old age).
Statistics has shown that medical care cost for the old people is higher for people that are fat than it is for those that are slim.
Rheumatism, arthritis, heart disease, etc are more common on fat aged people than it is on slim and fit people.
Weight lose program for the old people can a times become complex if the wrong kind of approach to weight lose is followed. Old people are by nature fragile and needs to be handled with care.
In this article are some of the tips I recommend for a successful old people’s weight lose program.
- Regular dancing. Dancing will not only help them lose weight but, will also help reduce stress in their life. By dancing, they will be burning some fats and calorie that makes one to get fat.
- Breathing. Old people should practice breathing in on a faster rate for about 10-15 minutes each day. This will not only make you lose weight but will help you stay heart related diseases.
- Short distance jogging. Jogging will do two things for them. One, they will be fit and the bone strong. Two, they will not add unnecessary weight that might lead to complications.
- Proper dieting. Is not all kinds of food that is appropriate for old people, they should try to desist from any food that contains cholesterol and unsaturated fat at all cost. Their feeding habit should be tending towards that of vegetarians.
- Mild indoor exercises. Mild indoor exercises like seat up should be engaged in on a regular basis.
- Gardening. Keeping date with garden maintenance can make aged/ old people have enough exercise that will help them burn excess fat and keep fit.
- Walking / trekking. Evening and morning walk will make old and aged people flex their muscle to the point of sweating which will in turn help burn excess fat.
- Regular mental exercise. Take a look at those that do a lot of reading and mental work and compare them with their age mate that don’t engage fairly in mental work and see for your self. All things being equal, those that engage in regular mental exercise will look much younger than those that don’t put their brain to some challenge.
The above steps and recommendations if followed can help save up to 35% of Medicare cost on fat old people.
Weight lose program in the old age is fun if done the right way.
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