How can I improve my HubScore and Hubber Score?
To improve your HubScores (scores associated with individual articles) and your Hubber Score (the collective score of your entire HubPages profile), we recommend that you:
- Regularly publish high-quality articles
- Be active and contribute to the HubPages community in a positive way
- Avoid publishing a large number of articles all at once (even if they were just drafted elsewhere ahead of time and are already of good standing)
- Avoid following large numbers of Hubbers over a short period of time and following Hubbers of dubious merit. You should only follow people who you have a genuine interest in keeping up with.
Please keep in mind that it is natural for HubScores and Hubber Scores to fluctuate up and down in unpredictable ways. It is best not to put too much emphasis on them.
Do not worry when your Hubber Score dips a bit. So long as you are behaving in a reasonable manner within the HubPages community your Hubber Score should eventually increase over time.