Why are ads not appearing on my article?
There are a few reasons why ads may not appear:
- Articles published on HubPages.com will not display ads. Articles published on Discover.HubPages.com and the Network Sites will display ads.
- You have a web browser extension that is blocking ads. Please disable all browser extensions or try another web browser to see if the ads are visible.
- You have just published your article and it is still "Pending" as it is reviewed by our Quality Assessment Process (which may take up to 48 hours).
- You have turned the Ads setting to "off". To check this, navigate to the article, click , and click 'Display Options' in the right-hand toolbar. Use the drop down bar to turn Ads on or off.
- Ads were disabled on your article, based on HubPages’ automatic content filters or moderator review. If this occurs, a warning will appear at the top of your article.
- An advertising partner may have evaluated your article, and feels the content may be in violation of their policy.