Why were ads disabled on my article?
In order to protect both your and our relationships with advertising partners, we have put in place filters that automatically disable advertising on articles containing content that may not meet with the HubPages Terms of Use or with advertising partners content policies. Although your content may not fit into any of these prohibited categories, the emphasis of some sensitive subject matter in an article may still trigger the disabling of ads.
If one of your articles has been identified, a warning will appear on the article itself and in the Hubs section of My Account. We periodically review articles that have been caught by the filter and do one of three things:
- For clear-cut policy violations, we will unpublish the article. Repeated violations may result in the closing of your HubPages account.
- For articles that are not clear violations but that contain sensitive content that is not advertiser-friendly, we may leave ads disabled but allow the article to remain published
- For articles identified in error, we may override the filter, allowing ads to appear again.
If you agree with the assessment or so choose, you can remove the warning that appears on your article by turning ads off.
We recognize that the rules may change from time to time and are subject to some speculation and interpretation. The policy of disabling ads on borderline and sensitive content gives us the leeway to allow quality articles to remain published without ads.
In partnership with our advertising partners, we've identified below some areas that are not suitable for advertising but that, at our discretion, we may allow to remain published without ads:
- Reproductive medical content (including vaginal and penile issues and sexually transmitted diseases)
- Content about sexuality, including losing your virginity or fetish content
- Content about abortion, circumcision, genital mutilation, rape, incest, pedophilia, and molestation
- Content describing violent crimes, gruesome accidents, or self mutilation
- Lewd or profane humor, including provocative double entendre
- Restrained journalistic or fine art nudity
- Discriminating or derogatory content
- Dishonst behavior (Fake ID, hacking, cracking, college essay services
If the content of your article falls into one of these areas, please turn ads off.
Ads can also not appear even when they are enabled in these circumstances.
- You have just published your article and it is still "Pending" as it is reviewed by our Quality Assessment Process (which may take up to 48 hours).
- Advertisers have evaluated your article and feel that it violates their advertising policy.
If you have specific questions, please Contact Us.