Safelisting HubPages emails

In order to ensure that you get emails from HubPages, you may need to add the domain address (and/or the address to your safelist/whitelist or address book to make sure the emails don't “bounce” due to spam filters set up by your mail provider or service.

Please read the instructions below on how to safelist/whitelist HubPages so you get mail from us (If you want the newsletter but not other HubPages emails, please read how to specify that here).

Don't see your provider/software below? Add to your address book, and check your documentation on how to make that address a trusted sender.

• various anti-SPAM programs (like SpamAssassin, McAfee SpamKiller, etc.)


If you have received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Open the newsletter email.
2. Click on the little down-pointing-triangle-arrow next to “reply” to the right of the message header.
3. Click “Add HubPages to contacts list”
4. Click on the little down-pointing-triangle-arrow next to “reply” one more time.
5. Click "Filter messages like this"
6. The From field should say Click the Next Step button.
7. Check the checkbox next to "Never send it to Spam."
8. Click the Create Filter button.
If you have NOT received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Click the Contacts link in the left column.
2. Click the New Contact button (plus sign and a person icon)
3. Enter "HubPages" for the first blank field, and for Email. Click the Save button.
4. Click the icon that looks like a gear in the upper-right corner, and select "Mail Settings" in the drop-down.
5. Pick the Filters subtab under Settings. 6. Click the "Create a new filter" link at the bottom of the box. 7. Enter in the From field. Click the Next Step button.
8. Check the checkbox next to "Never send it to Spam."
9. Click the Create Filter button.


If you have received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Open the newsletter email.
2. Look for the Add icon in the header; it looks like a blue folder with a green plus sign. Click this. It will add HubPages to your address book and will safelist the HubPages newsletter.
3. Click Options in the upper right corner of your Mail page and select More Options.
4. Under “Management”, click Filters.
5. Click Add Filter button at the top.
6. Give the filter a name (like HubPages), enter as the sender (keep "contains" in the drop-down), and choose Inbox from the Move to Folder drop-down.
7. Click the Save Changes button at the top. If you have NOT received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Click the blue Add link to the right of the Contacts entry in the left navigation column.
2. Enter "HubPages" for the first blank field (first name), and for Email. Click the Save button.
3. Click Options in the upper right corner of your Mail page and select More Options.
4. Under “Management”, click Filters.
5. Click Add Filter button at the top.
6. Give the filter a name (like HubPages), enter as the sender (keep "contains" in the drop-down), and choose Inbox from the Move to Folder drop-down.


If you have received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Open the newsletter email.
2. In the header, you will see a link called "Mark as safe". Click that.
If you have NOT received a copy of the newsletter:
1. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Options, and then click More options.
2. Under Junk e-mail, click Safe and blocked senders.
3. Click Safe senders.
4. Type, and then click Add to List.


If you have received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Right click (control-click) on the message in your inbox.
2. Select the option "Junk E-Mail Filter" and then "Add domain to Safe Senders List".
If you have NOT received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Open Tools > Options.
2. On the Preferences tab, click the "Junk E-mail..." button.
3. Go to the "Safe Senders" tab.
3. Click the "Add..." button and type and OK.


Go to keyword: Mail Controls.
Select the screen name we're sending your HubPages newsletter to.
Click Customize Mail Controls For This Screen Name.
Version 9.0:
If you have received a copy of the newsletter:
1. Open your latest HubPages newsletter e-mail.
2. Click the Add Address button (on the right) to add to your "People I Know" list.
If you have NOT received a copy of the newsletter:
You can just send an e-mail to:, and that will add us to your "People I Know" list automatically. Even if the e-mail you send doesn't get through to us, the act of sending it does the job of putting us into your "People I Know" list.


1. Click on Address Book (it's over on the left, below your Folders).
2. When your Address Book opens, click the Add button.
3. On the Add Contact screen, find the Internet Information box.
4. Enter into the top Email box.
5. Click Save.


1. Go to your Verizon Inbox.
2. Click Options.
3. Select the Block Senders tab (near the top of the screen).
4. On the Block Senders screen, you'll see both a "Block Sender List" and a "Safe List". In the space where it says "Enter e-mail address or sub domain to always accept even if the domain is blocked", enter

Anti-Spam Programs:

McAfee Spamkiller:
Click Friends from the sidebar.
Click Add.
Click OK.

Add the following entry to your user_prefs file, which is found in the .spamassassin subdirectory on your web/mail server:
Save the user_prefs file or move the updated copy to your .spamassassin subdirectory.
If you have no user_prefs file in this subdirectory, create one:

Open your browser and go to:
Log into your SpamCop account.
Click on the Options icon in the toolbar.
Under Mail Management (in the middle), click SpamCop Tools.
Select Manage your personal whitelist.
Near the bottom, where it reads "Click here to add to your whitelist", click on Click here.
Enter in the first empty slot.
Click Submit.

Spam Sleuth:
Select File, then Configure.
Go to the Friends category.
Make sure Active is checked.
Type: on a line by itself in the entry field.
Click OK.

Click on the SpamPal system tray icon with the right mouse button.
Click 'Add to Whitelist' from the menu.
Click Add.

Spameater Pro:
Click Filters from the sidebar.
Click the Approved Senders tab.
Click Add Filter.
Type: under Address.
Choose 'Full Email Address' under Address Type.
Select Email Domain.
Click OK.

Spam Inspector:
Select Spam Inspector, then 'Manage Friends List'
from either the Spam Inspector toolbar or from the Outlook menu.
Make sure Email is selected under 'Add a New Friend'.
Click the >> button.
Click Close.

Click the Configure button.
Go to the Known Senders tab.
Click Add under 'Known Good Senders and Recipients'.
Click OK.
Click OK.

Click the Addresses tab.
Click New.
Make sure 'Accept Mail From This Address' is selected under Receiving Options.
Uncheck 'Display in People Picker' under Other options.
Click Submit.
Click OK.

Click Friends from the toolbar.
Click Add.
Click OK.

Click Tools, then Blacklist & Friends.
Click Add... on the right, the Friends list side.
Make sure Plain email address is selected.
Click OK.
Click OK.


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