Count Your Blessings Daily this New Year
Count Your Blessings Everyday this New Year
Looking for a great way to start the New Year ?
Make a goal to count your blessings every day this new year.
How? First you must decide just what you consider a blessing to be and second, you need to decide how to count it.
A Blessing is defined in the dictionary as "anything that gives happiness" so let's start with that.
Starting January 1st decide to find one thing in your day that brought you happiness. It could be as simple as someone smiling at you or as exciting as winning a game, maybe it was the happy feeling you got from helping someone in need, or being the recipient of the same. The point is, whatever made you happy during your day, consider it a blessing, and before you go to bed that night record it in some way. It doesn't have to be an elaborate description, just something to help you remember it.
Recording your blessings is another way of counting them. If they are not recorded they will soon be forgotten. Since they bring us happiness we should treasure them and want to keep a record of them. There are several ways one can do this daily. Here are some ideas you may like to try:
1. Make a "Blessing Box" or "Blessing Jar". This can be any container you choose, a box you make or purchase, or a glass jar or vase, just make sure it will be large enough to hold a blessing a day for each day of the year. Decorate the container as you like and label it "Daily Blessings". At the end of each day write down your blessing for the day and the date and drop it in the container.
2. Purchase a Journal or Notebook with enough empty pages for the year and label it "Daily Blessings" At the end of the day record your blessing in it with the day's date.
3. Purchase a Yearly Planner ( I got a nice one at the Dollar Store) and log your blessings on the calendar pages for each day.
4. If you are a computer user, record your blessings daily in a Journal you have created in Microsoft Word or add them to your daily calendar program on the computer.
5. You can also email them to yourself and save them in a special online folder labeled "Daily Blessings" on your computer.
Whatever method you choose, make it a goal to stick to it and do it daily, and then when Thanksgiving Day rolls around you can pull out all your recorded blessings and really have lots to be thankful for !
Try it ! I think you will be amazed daily at all the things you are blessed with once you start counting them.