It's Spring - Turn Off Your Christmas Lights!
Ho, Ho, NOOOO!!!
It is March right now as I write this. It is the end of March, to be exact. It is spring. Spring is a wonderful time for birds chirping, warm weather, and flowers blooming. Guess what doesn't belong in the springtime? Your Christmas lights!
Everyday I see a Christmas lights. Yes, let me restate this... it is the end of March. I can be a good sport about people leaving lights around their homes up all year long. I understand, you had to drag out that tall ladder, you almost fell off the roof, and you practically got frostbite while nailing that crap all around your house. So sure, keep that up all year long. All I ask is for you not to light it. Do you know why I ask this? It is not Christmas anymore! Deal with it! Seek therapy if you need to, but turn off your Christmas lights.
You see, one might consider me a bit of a scrooge during the holiday season. I am not a big fan of Christmas, but I tolerate it. I even tolerate you overly zealous Christmas fans showing off your Christmas lights in January. However, some of you are taking it too far. I've been a good sport for months about your decorations, but now it is spring.
I love spring. You are ruining my happiness with your freaking blinking Santa on the front lawn. Surely you have a nice shed for Santa. It is time to accept that winter is over. Deal with it. The same way Christmas fans preach to me to be a good sport, the same goes for you. It is spring and let me enjoy it. You had your turn; now give me mine.
Everybody's Doing It
I am not sure when it became a thing to keep Christmas lights and decorations on year round, but I am seeing it more and more. I don't mind one or two of you doing it. Sure, I'd come to accept the crazy old lady down the street that talks to chipmunks and wears her robe to Food Lion is going to keep that Frosty the Snowman display up and running for the whole year. That is fine. It is the rest of you I am concerned about.
I've seen some of you. You go to work. Your children look happy and go to school each day. You have a nice puppy in the backyard. It doesn't seem like you belong to some strange Christmas cult. There is nothing going on that is weird at your place that I can tell... except each night, for some reason, you feel the need to turn on twinkling Christmas lights. Why, oh why, are you doing this? What could possibly inspire this type of behavior? And why did you turn on all the animated reindeer, too?
First of all, I don't know how some of you afford this type of activity. I can barely afford the electric bill to run one string of lights for two weeks. How on earth, and most importantly, why on earth are you lighting these Christmas decorations every single night? It is March... 3 months after Christmas!
Confession Time
Admit it, do you still have Christmas decorations up?
Get Excited About Other Holidays
What you may not realize, my dear Christmas decoration loving readers, is there are other holidays that can be fun, too. Perhaps if you have red Christmas lights, yes, you can light those for Valentine's Day. Maybe if you have green Christmas lights, you can use those lights for St. Patrick's Day. That is about as far as you can take it though. You know what you can do instead? Embrace other holidays!
Yes, there is a whole world out there full of decorations for every holiday! You can take down Santa and replace him with the Easter Bunny. You can put adorable Easter eggs all over your yard! You could put leprechauns all around your house for St. Patrick's Day. You can put flags all over the place for Memorial Day. There is so much you can do without wearing out your Christmas decorations.
Don't get me wrong, I really don't want to pry in your business. However, when I see all your decorations each night, it does intrude on my life. This is especially the case when it is a number of neighbors doing it. Two or more wrongs do not make a right! I am trying to help you. I am concerned for you and your well being. It is time to move on. It is time for you to let Christmas go. You can do it! It will be coming back in December again like always soon enough.
Copyright ©2013 Jeannieinabottle
No! Take This Down!

Yes! Embrace Spring Now!

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