Christmas Miracles 2012
Waiting for a Christmas Miracle
My Christmas Miracles
My Christmas Miracles
I had written the hub “My Christmas Wish” a few days ago. A fellow hubber, Spirit Whisperer suggested that “Rather than wish for what you believe another needs why not be thankful for all that you have.” Well, I thought that he made a good point. So instead of wishing, I am going to share the miracles of those same children.
My Christmas Miracles:
Two ten year old boys who are able to leave a life of poverty, neglect and abuse to live with a father they haven’t known and his girlfriend, who already love the boys as if they were her own. And they have the chance to come back to the school that loved them and missed them.
My little five year old student who has made some gains this year, even when people thought it was impossible. He can sit for up to thirty minutes to learn now. He can recognize his name when he sees it. He can write a “J” for his name. He has a loving home with his two little sisters and a mom and dad who love him beyond measure.
The little girl who was hit in the stomach with a ball. The pain was so bad that her mom took her to the emergency room. After x-rays and other tests, the doctors found tumors on her fallopian tubes. They were found to be cancerous. They were removed and it looks like she will be okay now. If the doctors had not found the tumors when they did, they might have spread and she might have died.
The fourth grade boy with a horrible temper. He had been in a series of foster homes for most of his life. A woman and her husband saw him one day when he was in a hospital behavioral treatment program. They fell in love with him and were determined to adopt him. The adoption was final two months ago.
The fifth grade girl that has people who love and care for her, even when her grandmother pushes her away. And her fourth grade friend with a temper that has decided that she is his best friend.
The kindergarten teacher who is pregnant with her first child. The doctor appointment Thursday showed a healthy heartbeat and the first peek at her soon to be daughter.
I don’t know if Santa had anything to do with the Christmas miracles, but I am sure that all of the prayers have been heard and these wonderful children – and the teacher – have chances for better lives…