Spirit Whisperer profile image77

Xavier Nathan (Spirit Whisperer)

Joined 14 years ago from Isle of Man

  • 126
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    How to Neutralise Fear-Based Behaviour

    3 years ago

    By minimising the degree to which our unconscious fear influences our decisions and actions we afford ourselves a greater freedom to live in the present. Ignorance is no longer an excuse to do nothing or take no responsibility.

  • 33

    Different Thinking Styles

    3 years ago

    We each have our own preferred thinking style. We think predominately in pictures, sounds or feelings (VAK Visual, Aural and Kinaesthetic). The conflict and miscommunication between us is often as a result of this. Poor communication and conflict can be minimised by understanding how we each think.

  • I Carries Me

    I Carries Me

    3 years ago

    There are three 'I's. The 'I' I think I am. The 'I' others think I am. The 'I' a really am.

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    Cutting the Ties that Bind

    6 months ago

    The therapeutic ritual developed by Phyllis Krystal to enable people to sever their negative attachments and dependence on parents and things.

  • Quantum Quandary

    Quantum Quandary

    3 years ago

    Scientists could not understand how electrons would behave as waves when not being watched and as particles when they were being watched. It looked as if the electrons had minds of their own. This article explores this scientific dilemma and its application to reality.

  • Self Realization Through Forgiveness

    Self Realization Through Forgiveness

    3 years ago

    Change is gonna come by *AlexGroseth The mind is the controller. It projects everything. Everything it projects is then observed as if the projection is separate. These projections of the mind which are now seen as separate are then interpreted and...

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    Behind Mind

    3 years ago

    The "I" you think you are, the "I" others think you are, are not who you are.

  • Colony Collapse Disorder and Cell Phones

    Colony Collapse Disorder and Cell Phones

    3 years ago

    This is a time of crisis for the honeybee. The bees are being wiped out by Colony Collapse Disorder, CCD whereby the bees go out to forage but don't return due to a problem with their navigation system which is explained in this article.

  • HubPages to Improve Childrens' Written Expression

    HubPages to Improve Childrens' Written Expression

    3 years ago

    In this hub I would like to explain how I have found a way to offset the damage being done to the writing skills of our children as a result of their over dependence on text messaging.

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    Solving Algebraic Equations Part 2

    3 years ago

    In Solving Algebraic Equations Part 1 I show how to solve equations with two terms using an escalator. In this the second part of my mini series I will show you how to solve equations with three terms. To do this I employ a “wall”.

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    Hypnosis for Creative Thinking

    3 years ago

    Copernicus was open to questioning everything even those things accepted as “true”. He had to have been in a natural state of hypnosis to be open to new ideas and especially ideas that challenged what everyone accepted as fact. We all have access to this state to become more creative.

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    As a Man Thinketh

    3 years ago

    James Allen rates highly on my list of people who walked the talk. A humble man who lived from 1864 to 1912, during that time he studied the laws that govern reality and only after testing the laws in his own life did he then share his findings.

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    You Can Heal Your Life

    3 years ago

    By repeating a belief often enough you can force your subconscious to accept it as your own. Once the subconscious has accepted the belief then it will start attracting to you everyone and everything to support that belief.

  • Addiction and Love

    Addiction and Love

    3 years ago

    All addiction comes down to every human beings desire to love and be loved and Hypno-Psychotherapy helps people to overcome addiction through love.

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    Hypnosis and Healing

    3 years ago

    Many people associate hypnosis with entertainment and fail to recognise its role in healing. More and more people are turning to hypnotherapy to address conditions such as, depression and panic attacks because they appreciate that the mind that created the problem can also solve the problem.


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