Valentine's Day Don'ts
Do and Don'ts and Some Unique Ideas
1. Don't ask your girlfriend or wife what they want for Valentine's Day, because they will say nothing and be mad for you not thinking of something on your own.
2. Don't go out to get something and not come back for hours or go to the bar.
3. Don't say "I'll get you something tomorrow".
4. Don't say, "Valentine's Day is a stupid holiday!",
5. Don't get exercise equipment, or a gym membership, or a vacuum cleaner for a Valentine's gift.
6. Don't say that dinner is at your mother's house.
Do something original and spontaneous, because especially for younger girls it is all about telling her friends.
When I was dating I sent a pizza to my boyfriend's work (because he had to work that night), I asked the pizza cook if he could shape it into a heart and he agreed. Everyone at his work thought it was awesome. Also that morning I drew on the the bathroom mirror with red lipstick a big heart and an "I love you". These are just little things but they are unique and special.
Some Idea's for men that seem stupid and silly to them but can make the day special:
If you never cook, then cook a dinner. Stick with what you know, it doesn't have to be elaborate. Mac and cheese with a salad will do as long as you have a tablecloth and candles. You could through some little heart candies on the table to fancy it up. They look real nice on a white table cloth. In the dessert, maybe like a chocolate brownie- make a slit in it and place a piece of jewelry that is wrapped in wax paper in it, so that she doesn't swallow it and choke, LOL.
Make a video declaring your love, you could wear maybe heart pajama's. Write a poem and read it.
I'm sure by now you are thinking of some ideas. Remember the voice in the back of your head that is saying, "This is stupid!" will be so special and cute to her. Trust me cause I know.
- How to Get your Wife to Hate You
1. Never ask her what she would like to do on the weekend. Just continue playing video games, guitar and smoking pot. 2. Ignore her and when she complains about the way things are, instead call her a bitch and all sorts of names. 3. Occasionally...