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Why I Love Christmas

Updated on October 14, 2011
We love Christmas too!  Ho Ho Ho
We love Christmas too! Ho Ho Ho

The meanings of Christmas are many. How brightly they blend into our lives as we share something special all across the miles and years. One of the things that I love about Christmas is seeing the kids with their bright eyes and happy smiles.

In our preschool, we always teach the kids the Christmas Alphabet Song which I am pretty sure you are familiar with. It goes like this:

  • C is for the candy trimmed around the Christmas tree
  • H is for the happiness with all the family
  • R is for the reindeer prancing by the window pane
  • I is for the icing on the cake as sweet as sugar cane
  • S is for the stocking on the chimney wall
  • T is for the toys beneath the tree so tall
  • M is for the mistletoe where everyone will kissed
  • A is for the angels who make up the Christmas list
  • S is for old Santa who makes every kid his pet

    Be good and he’ll give you everything in your Christmas alphabet

Now that we are older, I realized that my Christmas Alphabet remains the same in some aspects and yet have expanded and deepened in other aspects. I now share to you the reasons why I love Christmas.

I love Christmas because there's plenty of chocolates, candies and the cute vision of little elves carrying candy canes. I love the wonderful feeling of receiving Christmas cards from friends in far away places. In fact, I still have with me a box full of cards that I have received all these years. And I love hearing and singing Christmas carols. I would spend my mornings having my very own personal show - Christmas concerts in the comfort room! Well, the last time I checked, nobody has yet filed a complaint of noise harassment. So I'm safe.

I love Christmas because of holidays and Christmas breaks. Being in a school setting, we don't have problems filing for a leave because we are all forced to have a vacation. Lucky for me! I love Christmas because it's a time to share happiness with those you love, lots of hugs, and to experience hope from heaven above.

I love Christmas because of Rudolph, the red-nose reindeer. He reminds me of everyone who feels odd and different (even feeling left out in many occasions) and yet is special in every way. It makes me recall all the wonderful times when someone kind and caring would reach out and make all the “Rudolphs” in the world feel important.

I love Christmas because of all the sweet things that are there for the taking. There’s plenty of icing on cakes and yummy ice cream. And more importantly, beyond all that is the joy of giving and receiving an inspiration- the sweet nourishment for our hearts and souls.

I love Christmas because of jolly Santa Claus and red stockings hanging on the fireplace as the kids wonder what gifts await them. And no matter how young or old we are, nothing beats the delight of receiving a surprise from others or giving a neat surprise of our own.

I love Christmas because of family traditions – a time to share, to bond and to show how much we care. I love browsing through the toy shops, watching the twinkling lights and watching kids running around the Christmas trees.

I love Christmas because of baby Jesus in the manger, of mothers, fathers and wonderful memories (like attending mass where we prayed as one family) to warm the heart. I love Christmas because of the gift of miracles when God sent his son to remind us that there will always be peace found in His love.

I love Christmas because of angels of heaven and earth. Angels who touch, guide and inspire us in the little and big ways. Angels in the form of a pet, a child, a friend, a family member, even a stranger on the street. Angels are among us.

I love Christmas because it makes me smile as I sing songs and share stories all night long. When I look up at the sky, I smile as I see the stars up above for I remember a long time ago, love came down on Christmas day and changed my life.

Well, and that’s why I love Christmas. Wishing you a merry and blessed Christmas.

By: Michelle Simtoco

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