What is your "ideal" Thanksgiving?

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  1. Amanda108 profile image86
    Amanda108posted 7 years ago

    What is your "ideal" Thanksgiving?

    No rules, no reality getting in the way - simply your idea of the perfect Thanksgiving for you personally. Interpret use of the word "perfect" in any way you would like to.

  2. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 7 years ago

    Years ago I read the story of a poor little boy growing up in a war torn foreign country, perhaps Jugoslavia or Ukraine.  He had never even seen an orange, only heard of them.  One Christmas he was gifted one.  His amazement caused him to hold it close, even sleeping with it.  Sadly, it spoiled before he ate it.  His siblings warned him, but his dream-come-true wouldn't allow him to eat his marvelous gift.

    When I think of the story I think of how much we have to be thankful for in why our country was founded, and of the opportunities it has given us to share with so many others.  Though imperfect, a genuine Republic is something to cherish and hold on to.  Remembering the original intent is important.  Giving thanks to God for His mercies is crucial.  Everyone filling their Thanksgiving celebrations with true gratitude that is rooted in the truth of our founding would make it perfect!

    1. Amanda108 profile image86
      Amanda108posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What a beautiful answer! You have a way with words. :-)

  3. profile image56
    JustinCasevaposted 7 years ago

    Growing up as a kid thanksgiving instantly brought the thought of getting a great meal but throughout my life my ideas have changed. Yes I still enjoy a good meal, but I've realized its about the people you're with. Im going to get off topic here but a little over a year ago I met the love of my life on vacation and we've only grown closer since then. However she still lives states away and seeing her is so hard. I'd give anything to spend not just thanksgiving with her but every day of my life with her. So be thankful for being surrounded by loved ones not everyone is so lucky. Some have distant family they can't be with, lovers they can't see, just be thankful for those around you. Not just on thanksgiving but every day. Never take it for granted

    1. profile image0
      RTalloniposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Never, indeed, take it for granted!  Thanks for sharing the thought.

  4. tsmog profile image83
    tsmogposted 7 years ago

    Let me preface I am single. My 'ideal' Thanksgiving would be all my family together at once again. I have been fortunate to be with two brothers and their family over the years for Thanksgiving.  My two sisters are in different states for many years. And, I would like a Dearest Best Friend in Sweden to be there too. But, I am truly Thankful of the Love we share . . .

  5. tamarawilhite profile image87
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    Lots of delicious food, no weight gain, family fun without any arguments, memories made making dinner, robots that clean up after everyone.

  6. Yanglish profile image39
    Yanglishposted 7 years ago

    Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. 

    Cosy fire a burning bright,—
    Cosy tables robed in white,—
    Dainty dishes smoking hot,—
    Home! And cold and snow forgot!


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