Comparing Strange Holidays in October
Yes there are strange holidays throughout the year, why should October be any different?
Strange? Strange! Strange? Yup that's me. If you have looked over some of my prior publications this will be obvious. If you haven't then just ask my wife. My kids. My parents. Anyone that I work with. Do I need to go any further on this one?
I would say, "but seriously folks". But that would be silly. Looking over what this site is about serious is that last think that should come into the picture. As they say strange is in the eye of the beholder. And considering that I wore an eye patch for several years with one eye available this fits for me.
The hard part of this was choosing the strange the weird the unique. Which ones looked the most interesting? Which ones jumped out and ran into each other? Which ones brought the brain to the point of just going huh????
Well folks read on and enjoy what I have chosen for you to enjoy. Also based on the publication of this the time may have passed or it may not have been. This waits to be seen. Either way go forth and enjoy...
Comparing the Monthly Celebrations
Different reasons for the season
First there are two that grabbed my attention...
Then another. Then another...
National Vegetarian Month and Eat Country Ham Month. As a former vegetarian I would eat eggs be serious folks no ham on the menu. That's why I found this so amusing that they would have them in the same month. Strange yes that they are both here. my main question is how can I ham this one up? How did these two meat so close together? Sometimes its not easy going green. OK I will be good and moo-ve on.
National Pizza Month and National Cookie Month or National Popcorn Popping Month. Dinner and desert. That's two that work well together.
Computer Learning Month. You are accessing this site on your computer or other electronic devices. With that said talk to your electronic device and make them feel appreciated. I could also say don't be a dummy and get out there and learn. For all those who read the Dummy books like me this was a shameless plug.
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month - Sorry folks for me I am a cat person. But if you are a dog person like my parents go to a local shelter and spring a dog today.
Apple Month - So does this mean you will be hitting the sauce or going our for a new Big Mac?
Bat Appreciation Month - This one is here for my brother-in-law. He is a pretty big bat person. It helps that he works in a zoo.
Spinach Lovers Month - My only question on this one is Why???
Sarcastic Month - That explains this site don't you think?
International Drum Month - Scene from Drumline - Last Battle
Drum Line a Personal Review
Drum Line is also available in the DVD format on Amazon
I Believe I Can Fly - From Drumline
Choices for the Weeks
There were a few for the weeks so I chose a couple to share...
Week 1 Get Organized Week - The question I have is if I were the organized one would I have published this a lot quicker?
Week 2 Fire Prevention Week - With a dad and grandfather both being volunteer firemen I was keen on this one. Now that I am a dad I am observant about preventing fires. It can be sort of scary going off to work and wondering will the family be safe.
Week 2 Great Book Week - We are talking books here. How could they not be great?
Week 3 - Teen Read Week - Does it count that my daughter has already burned through two local libraries?
Week 4 - National Friends of Libraries Week - I have always worked / volunteered in libraries. Count me in for this one.
Week 4 - National School Bus Safety Week - There are kids involved - Every day involves safety.
Week 2 - National Carry a Tune Week
La La La La La LA La La LA LA LA LA LA LA LA La LA LA LA LA LA - OK so it sounds better when Big Bird and the folks from Sesame Street do it.
A Few Fun Days in October
October 1- World Vegetarian Day - Pass the sprouts I am a bit peckish. As a former vegetarian I still pick on my sisters as on is a vegetarian and the other a vegan. Its interesting that the vegan married a guy that still eats meat and they work at a zoo.
October 1 - Techie Day - Yes I am a techie / geek and proud of it. If you don't agree feel free to hand over your computer and I will be happy to reformat your hard drive.
October 4 - Improve Your Office Day - Step one don't go to work. Step two apologist for being there if you have to show up. Well these are things that I tried to do. And they brought smiles to the others faces. So they did improve the office.
October 4 - Ten-Four Day and Vodka Day - We've got a great big convoy for this one.
October 4 - World Smile Day - Remember folks you use more muscles when you frown. So Smile it will feel better for you and those around you.
October 6 - Mad Hatter Day - When you think about it he was a great character and does deserve his own holiday. Of course that is after the Cheshire Cat's holiday.
October 8 - National Pierogi Day - Icky, icky, icky. However the wife likes them. Where she went to school they were home made and the kids tried hard not to be absent on the days they served them.
October 11 - World Egg Day - What's that you say you want to egg me on? Sorry bad puns do not exasperate me.
October 15 - National Cake Decorating Day - If it's a cheesecake count me in.
October 17 - Wear Something Gaudy Day - Oh the fun I can have with this at work.
October 23 - National Mole Day - If it wasn't for the fact that one bit me when I was trying not to mow it over I might like this as a holiday.
October 26 - National Forgiveness day - If you don't like this site then come back on October 28th and forgive me for creating it.
October 31 - National Knock-Knock Jokes Day - After all the days listed there is no joke these are all holidays. Sorry kids you will not be able to get them off from school.
October 31st
To some the last day of October is harvest night and to others it is halloween. What do you say?