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Organizing simple New Years eve party

Updated on March 8, 2011

The celebration of New Year is the most popular festivity in the world and having a party is probably the most popular means to celebrate it. Organizing a simple party is not at all difficult if it is coordinated in advanced. In this article, I will give some tips on how to organize simple New Years eve party, so that everybody can enjoy it with a big bang.

Usually people will go home to their families and celebrate this event with their loved ones (you would want to hold hands with your partner when the clock strikes twelve am or be with your children and family), but some who are far away and cant go home, they just usually spend it with people they consider to be family or friends.

Since the mood is very festive during this event, you will expect some rowdy behavior and lots of noise making. It is said that making noise is a good way to sent the bad spirit away and welcome the year with good blessings.
Sydney Countdown
Sydney Countdown

 There are various ways to celebrate this event, one is to just sit down with the family and eat together, have fun together and play games, share moment and then just watched the celebration or countdown in the television. Fireworks is also another way of celebrating it. Traditions and customs play an important role in the celebration of New Year. My favorite is New Years eve party celebration.

I like organizing events and festivities. I also do this at the office where I worked before, in family gatherings and different events with my friends. I also organized birthday parties, for children and adults too, baby shower, you name it. Among all the festivities, I like New Year the most because it brings fresh hopes, new beginning and we are looking forward to another year in our lives. It is also a time to reflect about the year that passed by.

Here are the necessary things needed to do if you are organizing a New Years eve party

  • Decide on the venue. It should be accessible to all those who are going to attend.
  • Invitation. It is nice to plan ahead whom you are going to invite so that you will know the number of those who are interested to join the party. This is set in advance because all people have their own plans. If you want to host a party then you can send an invitation through email, or other social networking sites or through cell phones. You decide on the number and who are the invitees. Set a time for deadline to accept the invitation so that you can project how many will attend the party. Once you already know the number and composition of the people who are going to attend then you can begin to organize the good arrangement, venue, theme, games and activities.
  • Theme. Think of a theme for the party like for example they can dress up like their favorite actress or actors. Or simply dress with colorful clothes, the more colorful the costume is, the better. You can also set a prize for the best in costume.
  • Decorations. If you know the theme, then you know how to decorate the place. If it is going to be held in a house, decorate the house as well. Balloons and confetti should be ready and set up already in the place of the party, plus a large streamer screaming the celebration.
  • Foods/beverage. It is good to have nuts, all sorts of it like peanuts, almonds, cashew, pecans etc. Mixed it in a bowl for everybody to nibble on and some chips also. Finger foods like chicken nuggets, fried chicken, or steak is also good. Then prepare at least two dishes so when everybody is hungry they can eat. A good dessert is a chocolate cake or carrot cake. Choose which spirits will the group appreciate or want. Champagne is always a good one to have. And of course many wines and beers too.
  • Games. These are some of the suggested games and you feel free to introduce other games too, the list is many and just feel the mood of the group.
  • Everybody will write their New Years resolution in a sheet of paper and then put it in a box, one by one everybody will pick up one of the sheet of paper and guess who wrote the one they picked, if they can guess it then they have a prize.
  • Make the longest lines. Divide the group into two or three groups then they can make the longest lines using what they have in their bodies. The group with the longest lines is the winner!
  • Stop dance. Play a loud music and then let half of the people who are present to dance while the music is playing and stop when the music stops. If somebody is still moving when the music stops, he will be out of the game, The winner is the one left after all have been cast out. The other half of the party goers will be the judge.
  • If you have a karaoke set, then set it up so that everybody can sing if they like to.
  • Set the television in one corner so that everybody can watched the countdown if they want to. The New York City and Sydney countdown is awesome.
  • If they want to go out and have firecrackers outside the house it is also nice to go as group.

So c’mon everyone, let us organize a party and join the celebration!

Happy New Year to all of you and your family. May your home have abundance and good luck this coming year of the tiger!


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