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6 Six Stages: How to Become a Skilled and Reliable Writer

Updated on September 2, 2020
Halley Indonesia profile image

Halley was a teacher at a junior high school. who loves to write and always wants to learn new things about the world of authorship.

Become A Writer
Become A Writer | Source

Through this article, let me as the author share a simple understanding point of view with all of you visitors and readers of this

The term Content Creator is increasingly becoming a form of work that people are looking at in this digital era. many application platforms that offer people to become famous. All of these applications compete with each other in their form and way of serving their users.

Some of the paragraphs above as examples and forms of how I write. The paragraph that becomes my opening for those of you who are interested is the term to be a creator. However, I mean the creator of an article. A familiar title to you is a "WRITER"

Immediately, according to the Title of this Article. There are Ways to become a Skilled and Reliable writer. I share tips and ways for those of you who are interested in the world of writing

1. Like what you write

When you decide to become a writer. Start by liking this activity. An activity which of course will have your own time and space for you to do it. Enjoys writing activities. Yes by writing. Write from simple things. Like notes or expressions of feelings. Usually also in the digital world, many people like to write their status with their respective goals and interests. The first way is that you instill that you like to be a WRITER.

2. Keep Writing

When you feel bored. Confused and added with things that disturb you in your writing activities. such as personal problems that cause you to be distracted from putting ideas in writing. In addition, other routines can also be another factor that will cause you to stop writing. Stop !!! there is no need for us to be bothered by other things. How? Namely keep writing. Write word for word. Sentence by sentence and Paragraph by paragraph. When you choose to continue writing. That's when you have other abilities as a writer that can convince yourself that being a writer is a conscious choice.

3. Mastering what is written

Of course, when you decide to become a writer. The main asset that must be owned by a writer is. Mastering what is written has meaning. Like this, when you like literature, you will certainly find it easier to translate ideas into literary writing. When you are a critical person, your writing will become a convincing opinion. When you become a scientist you may spread your knowledge by writing.

The concept of Mastering is writing what is closest to what has happened based on experience and added with scholarship. Then your writing will be meaningful and useful. At least, there is value that can be taken from each of your writing.

When viewed from the outline of an article, an article is divided into two, namely: fiction and non-fiction. Repeating what you read before. This paper will only convey my view as a person who is carrying out an activity, namely writing. You can call it a writing creator / writer.

4. Looking for other sources of understanding

The strength of an article can also be seen from who the author is. However, if we are not confident. then include your source and base as a reference for readers. The easiest way to do with the previous point is to convey to the reader the source and basis of your writing. as based on experience or science. Other sources you make as reinforcement according to your purpose of writing.

5. Have a writing style.

For this five point, I have dedicated it to those of you who are active writers or work in the digital world. the writing style is the way you convey the message. information to readers. Usually you will see the author's style in opinion or popular articles.

Meanwhile, scientifically based writing has standard rules that must be followed. In other words, the writing style will appear and be visible on FIKSI's written works.

6. Evaluating / Reviewing the writings that have been written.

The important task of a person who wants to be a skilled and reliable writer is to re-read what has been written. The more often he evaluates or reviews the better future writings.

We will find out about mistakes in writing or difficulties for readers to understand what we write by evaluating and reviewing the writing that you have written.

Those are the 6 Six Stages: How to Become a Skilled and Reliable Writer. Hopefully those of you who want to become writers can continue to write in a way that you can all try. according to the information in this article.

Please leave your comments if you have anything to ask.

Good luck.

© 2020 Halley Kawistoro


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