Some ponderings about something so vital, yet so easily taken for granted. When it is memorable, how very memorable it is! Whenever the moment's air feels so, it summons other experiences like déjà vu clearly to the screens of head and heart!
Bountiful gift of air!
So right, so balmy-
Intoxicatingly scented.
Comes from where?
So fresh, so clean.
Reminding me of
Days and memories: ~
New Orleans' French Quarter
In the morning ~ breakfast
At the Court of the Twin Sisters.
The ranch aglow at twilight,
Soaking up the sunset
On the patio, facing West.
Playing all day as a kid,
Rolling in cool grass at evening
Eating roses in the garden rows ~
Yes ~ I really did!
Running down the hill
To swim at the Pumphouse,
What a treat, what a thrill!
Camping and sketching beside
The Lake O' The Pines
In verdant East Texas.
Discovering a riverboat
Abandoned atop a hill - I swear! -
Near another lake o'er there.
Holding my first grandchild for pix,
On her other granny's verandah, -
Southern Indiana, 1976,
She, wearing the dress and pinafore
I'd made for her;
A baby then, now a woman - to adore.
And always the abundant gift ~ of AIR.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Purple shadows
Softly inching
Across the floor;
A door ajar
Enticing exploration
Beyond this easy room
Where no gloom dare invade.
Perhaps, a hall
Where no sorrow may pervade
Its sanctity.
But nothing stays the same.
No one name
Tells it all.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Did I hear
A kitten
At my door
Just now?
Was that a tiny meow?
Was that
A cat
I've known
Perhaps it was
As lovable as you!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The mystery
Is no mystery.
Know it.
Have it.
Relish it.
Be it.
Ever so quietly.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Life's a boomerang.
What we send forth
Returns in kind,
Having gained momentum.
If kindness goes out
Kindness backfires - in force.
If not,
Then, - not, - of course.
It is a choice.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
But basking
In the love;
Not questing, reaching, taking;
Just basking here -
Constantly partaking.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Of course,
'They' will never understand;
How we can be so lambent!
We’re way 'too old'.
I smile.
It requires secure maturity
To smile at that,
While all the drives engage so fully,
Knowing no impediment!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The heartwood of the tree is he
The fullest, highest crest of sea!
And when he's near
My summertime
Repeats itself once more
And hums my evening song
To me.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
The morning air,
So full of sunshine now,
Freshness everywhere!
It's quiet, undisturbed.
Just out there
Beyond the patio doors,
A bird.
We trust the day,
The bird and I,
To bring its gift,
Perhaps a gentle rain.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Unless otherwise attributed, all design, graphics, photography and written material herein are original and copyrighted by Nellieanna H. Hay.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This material is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Nellieanna H. Hay.