Letter to Myself
Dear Fragile Child
Dear fragile child, please don't be so sad
Dry all those tears streaming down your face
Never let anyone make you feel bad about your body
God made you, and that makes you perfect
You will eventually learn to love your body when you get older
You just wait until you get older, you'll see what I am talking about
Oh, and all those little boys giving you such a hard time, will grow up as well
Karma is going to bite them back, for all the years of torment they put you through
So don't waste your energy or your time on their peaty comments and put-downs
Just be yourself, and love who you are, because your life is about to change
Dear Broken Teen
As you know by now, something has changed your life forever
But please don't hate anyone else, because you are in so much pain
Don't push away others, who just want to love you
Stop taking your pain out on your parents, and others around you
Please stop falling behind in your studies, you are too smart for this
You went from an honor roll student to making flunking grades
This is not going to stop your heart from breaking, it is just going to make it worse
You are about to make some very bad choices in life
You need to stop blaming yourself and feeling so guilty
Please talk to someone about the way you feel
I also want to tell you, what happened to you was not your fault
But your self-esteem is about to lead you down, a very dangerous pathway
That is going to be much worse than this
Dear Young Lady in your early twenties
You have hidden so many dark secrets, for so many years now
People have no idea, what you have been through
You have let people walk all over you, for years now
Stop trusting all the wrong people
But please love the ones, who do love you
You are so beautiful, how can you not see that
Stop starving yourself, and putting yourself down every day
Because the fast weight you lose from not eating, is going to come back quick
Please, I am begging you to talk to somebody already
Your time is very precious
I wish you were able to understand that
Sometimes during your early twenties, you will go through another tragic event.
You will be violated and humiliated
By someone you thought was a friend, and a close companion
This act of violence will almost destroy you
What is about to happen to you, will be devastating
But it will not be your fault, dear young misguided bird
None of it, You will hear from others that you are at fault
But that isn't true at all, I just wish you loved yourself more
It was not your fault what happened when you were younger, and it is not your fault now
You are going to be in some pain the next few years
Your faith in people is going to be demolished for a year or two
But you're about to finally talk to someone
The burden you feel will be forever lifted

Dear Awaken Me
You are about to have a good heart to heart with God
He is going to give you all the answers you have been searching for
You are going to be forever changed when you realize his love for you
As you start talking to God more and asking him for guidance
He is going to heal you, and make you see things in a different way
Your faith in people is getting better as well
You are also about to meet the man, who is going to be your husband
You need to start opening up a little more to him
This man loves you, with his all
He will treat you better than any other man, you have ever been with
He will make you feel beautiful
You will start to realize yourself how beautiful, you really are
You will understand beauty starts within
Once you fully get a grip on all this, you will finally be able to love someone
Here is the surprise, the person you are going to fall in love with is?
This is what happiness feels like
Your Future Self
Why I wrote this
I believe at some point in our lives, we all have things we need to look back and reflect on. In this poem I wrote a letter to my younger self, that expressed what I wished, would have been said to me. I am so glad that I let God into my life, he has changed me so much, so many doors have been opened up to me, and I have started to realize how beautiful life is.