I remember a short lived "Innocent Time" as a child...
I remember when I didn't know about Death.
Divorce and Violence were just "Words"
That Adults spoke in hushed tones...
I remember when I found out,
What the word Divorce meant...
It meant that I was to live with Daddy,
When Mommy went away...
Shhh, she's sick in the Head.
I was only Three, but I HEARD
What they said.
And I would go to bed and pray,
That I'd wake up, a GROWNUP.
And eventually my prayers were answered.
I remember when I found out
What the word "DEATH" meant...
It was when my Father died.
I was twenty-four, and I couldn't handle it.
I wasn't ready to let him go.
And I cried so, at his Funeral.
Shhh, they said...
Don't Cry in front of your child...
It's too Violent for him to see,
He's only Three...
You're a Big Girl now... cry Silently.