Batman vs Superman
If we consider a duel between Batman and Superman there is no doubt that Superman will win it without breaking a sweat. The reason is as clear as day. No matter what tricks Batman can come up with, he can never beat the man of steel with God-like powers. One stare from his laser powered eyes could vaporize Batman. Batman doesn't have any superpowers. So he has to compensate with his gadgets and tactics. There is a limit to what he can achieve and to beat someone like Superman will prove very difficult if not impossible.
However, there are many fans for Batman over Superman. Superman is an invincible hero with every possible power that a superhero wants. In comparison to him, Batman looks like a spoilt rich kid with psychological issues. Even still it is Batman who has won the hearts of more people (and mine too!). So what's his secret? What makes Batman special?
Too Strong!
Being strong is good but being invincible is not. The reason we love heroes is that they are the protectors of the weak from the big bad guys. These big bad guys are the ones who are bullies who misuse their power for personal gain. When compared to the villains the heroes are supposed to be weaker. But through sheer willpower, they come out on top. At least that's how we like it. But Superman is too powerful that he seems like the bully making us root for the villains in the end.
Batman is the complete opposite of Superman. Being rich is his only superpower. So he has to compensate his lack of such gifts to training himself hard, using his genius mind and his fancy gadgets. He is just a normal human among us with a genuine concern for his people. Compared to the villains that he has to fight he is a lone ranger who in spite of being outnumbered perseveres. Naturally, we will be inclined to cheer him on in his battles.
Brute Strength vs Intellect:
Facing an enemy head-on and smashing his defenses does not look pretty. When it comes to brute strength, there is none who can beat Superman. Superman does not need to think of any scheme or ploy to defeat his enemies. In many cases, it is the villains who come up with ingenious ideas. Batman on the other hand always outwits his enemies. His villains themselves are criminal masterminds. Outsmarting them is a challenge we all enjoy to watch.
It is difficult for Batman to confront his enemies head-on. Although he is quite talented and trained in martial arts, this hardly makes up for his lack of special abilities. His true strength lies in "theatricality and deception." With all the technology and money in the world to back him up, he is capable of cooking up ingenious plans that seem impossible to pull off. However, he ends up saving the world in the end.
For a hero with God like superpowers, it is difficult to imagine that Superman has a weakness to a substance like Kryptonite. Those stones will make him as weak as an infant immediately. It will be acceptable if he gets knocked out by a couple of nukes but having such a silly weakness is just stupid. The worst part is that anyone can use Kryptonite against him. So technically even a common thug could bring him down if he gets his hands on the substance.
Batman is a person who has conquered his fears. The only weakness for Batman is that he is just a normal human being. He is just like anyone else in the world but with training and an arsenal of weapons. So it is natural that he is very vulnerable. But it is this vulnerability that is his strength. It is this vulnerability that causes people to cheer on for him.
We love Batman and his cool Gadgets. Every guy on earth would have wanted to ride that bat-mobile. He has a Gadget for every single task he does. All these fancy high tech gadgets catch our eye immediately. It is with these utilities that Batman gets the edge over his enemies. In comparison, Superman doesn't have any cool Gadget which is a bit disappointing.
It is true that Superman is a lot more powerful than Batman. He is capable of handling much stronger enemies but still falls short of our expectation. Why? Without a challenge, there is no real thrill in the fight. We want a hero who is strong but not over-powered. Not invincible but uses every ounce of strength and strategy to outwit the enemy. Batman is the hero we deserve and need right now.
Which Superhero do you prefer?
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