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Billybuc Photo Challenge/Prompt: Installment #3
The Rules
Oh hell, there are no rules, folks. I’m just tossing out some photos and hoping they resonate with you. If you want to write a story or poem based on one photo, great! If you want to build a story around all five photos, great! If you want to write 200 words, great! And if you want to appease the HP editors and go for 1250, I say, once more, great!
I’m just trying to help your muse. Nothing more, nothing less!
I wish I could make this a contest with some fantastic prize for the winner but, alas, I am a humble, poor writer. I wish HP did something like this more often but, alas, they do not seem to be inclined to do so.
I do hope you find inspiration from the challenge. I do hope it helps you to hone your craft and become a better writer. It most likely won’t earn you a penny on HP but hey, there are things more important than being paid fifty cents for an article.
The Photos
Here you go, your inspiration for this week. I have included a little information about each photo below it. I don’t know if it will help you or not, but it only takes me about a minute to do so, and what’s a minute between friends?
Have Fun!
That’s all, folks! Have fun with it, and I’ll catch you later down the road of life. And just for the giggles, drop me a line at holland1145@yahoo.com and include the link to your story so I don’t miss it.
2020 William D. Holland (aka billybuc)
“Helping writers to spread their wings and fly.”