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Creative Uses for Liver and Other Organ Meats
Liver Up!
I am a sucker for a challenge that makes one think of vile and disgusted things to write about. Maybe that is why I enjoy doing the Stan Fletcher Hub Challenge, to test my limits of creativity. (Which wont take much due to a burn out and major brain fart tonight.) I miss that man's challenges.
What are the creative uses for liver and other organ meats?
I think that depends upon whether one wants to eat the organs, or play with them. There are many creative uses for liver and other organ meats.
In my case, for this hub, it just depended upon what games one was planning on playing, or creating.
Here piggy, piggy!
The Fresh Pig Intestine Toss
For those wanting to participate in a match of intestine toss, it is best to use a fresh pig intestine. The first step is to wash it out making sure that the inside is clear of grit and grime. Then the intestine needs to be stretched to make sure it is free of water. Now it is read for a game of toss.
Pick your target. (It can be a tree or Grandpa.)
Swing the stringy wet rope above your head in a circling motion.
Once it gets a good momentum behind it, let go and watch it hit the target.
(Of course if it does hit Grandpa, be sure to run.)
This works well when having two teams of two people, each swinging the wet noodle through the air and watching it wrap around its target.
What would you eat, if you couldn't play with your meat?
The Heart Blowing Contest
There is the sport of the heart blowing contest.
Making sure there is a small pool of blood in the heart, cover the extra valves and give it a hard blow. If the blood floats to the top just right, it will create a bubble over the heart. The person with the biggest bubble wins.
Batter up!
Nut War with Rocky Mountain Oysters
Nut wars is a favorite past time with children. (Also referred to as Rocky Mountain Oysters)
Save the nut clipping from your pet goat when it is castrating day. Let them set out in the sun for a few hours to dry into small pebbles.
Take your pig intestines and a forked branch, and create a sling shot.
Now you are ready for Nut Wars!
Be sure to hide behind a wall or tree. Sometimes those little pebbles hold a stinging punch.
Buffalo Tongue Slapping Contest
The Buffalo Tongue Slapping Contest is a test of running skills and eye-hand coordination.
Each opponent will face off with a buffalo tongue. When the whistle is blown, they will run to each other to slap the tongue across an exposed body part. If proper contact is made, it should leave an abrasion from the roughness of the tongue. Continue this until one of the opponents gives up in pain.
Hacky sack with a frog, or poop squeezing fish are also popular games to play. Just think, when you are done playing with your meats, you can always eat it!