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Do You Want To Write?

Updated on October 19, 2023
starstream profile image

I am a new publisher on Amazon Kindle books. My varied interests and topics include writing,painting,collectibles and poems. Thanks!

Blue Ribbon Writer

Blue Ribbon Writer
Blue Ribbon Writer | Source

Are You Ready?

Surround yourself with resources. Articles and books can inspire you. Do you have a journal book to keep your notes in one place? Are you prepared with some quiet time in your own personal workspace? That cup of coffee as well as a favorite song can help you remember exactly what you have to say.

At The Break of Day- Notes

We are all on this globe from North to South and East to West. Why not share our writing for the increase in knowledge? Sometimes after finishing school we can hardly believe that writing could be fun!

Writing can be a fun way to express yourself, set personal goals, and share iedas. Please join our site and try your hand at writing some hub pages. Please add your comments below!
The following writing expresses my joy at finding a way to express myself in my own unique style:

At sunrise another day begins and life gets busy in the city. A minute to start an idea before another round of routine rush begins my new day. I mix words and thoughts and dreams to blend together another new flavor of writing. Just like coffee flavors blend to give just the right flavors..

I must add some chocolate cinnamon, nutmeg and a dash of laugh to humor my silent muse. It is early and the sun is ready to rise on the horizon. A new day dawns ready to inspire me.

Cheers to you! Cheers to me. I actually composed two hubs before work this week! Soon I will be caught up in traffic and tending to tasks. Along the Way I will remember my lines and perhaps compose a better way to express an impression today of what I want to say.

You can:

Just jot down a few notes while doing your lists. Remember to read an article and process the news. Continue to complete and refine your ideas. Today is rushing onward. Soon tomorrow will unfurl.

So for joyful sake stir in some fun and expression of thought even later tonight at sunset when all of these flavors brew to treat yourself with a newborn hub. Coffee and satisfaction will lead the way to complete a day's work. Research and reason prevail to refine my task and soon I will again hit the publish tab and so can you!

My discovery of hub pages has been the beginning of a new hobby. Daily I read new articles which interest and educate me on a huge display of topics. Thousands of writers contribute their hubs to our community which reaches around the world. Hub pages is a global community with an up to the moment contribution of articles which interest people everywhere.

Writing For Fun

Stone Fountain, California Winery
Stone Fountain, California Winery
Large Floral Jar
Large Floral Jar | Source

Writing Hubs

My discovery of hub pages has been the beginning of a new hobby. Daily I read new articles which interest and educate me on a huge display of topics. Thousands of writers contribute their hubs to our community which reaches around the world. Hub pages is a global community with an up to the moment contribution of articles which interest people everywhere.

New topics, reader questions and statements inspire me to explore a new topic and write about it here. Signing up for hub pages is easy. You can spend five minutes deciding a name for yourself, mine is starstream.

Then the fun begins. Below is a link which will take you directly to the sign up source page. Immediately upon signing up you will be able to enter comments on our site. I approve most comments which readers make to my hubs.

Writer's Impressions

Go ahead and press your pencil to that blank page. Journal your progress just for today. It is an ever changing world with thoughts and light imprinting upon the page of your mind's eye. Being and artist can mean searching for just the right word to express an idea. Do you want to write a fiction story? Or would a poem be the best way to express yourself?

My Writing Inspiration

I am inspired by the world around me. Being an artist at heart I find the visual surprises of life call out to me. With pen in hand as well as pencil or brush my journey begins with an impression. This writing may well develop into a piece of poetry or a short paragraph. Surely any beginner will be inspired by life and experience. Are new places your inspiration? Even a cozy coffee shop invites new stories.

My Writing

It is early in the morning several years after writing this original hub. Though I haven't taken time to journal I am so glad to be able to revisit this writer's entry and realize how inspired I was in the beginning of this adventure. Recently I completed a self publishing course and now am a publisher.

Time has taken me to a new place in my heartfelt journey. Progress has been made in the determination I have made to continue step by step facing each new sunrise with a spirit of appreciation for a new day to express my creativity.

If I can share anything important it is the excitement of the adventure which you shouldn't miss expressing.

© 2011 Dreamer at heart


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