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From a Glimmer of Hope to Keeping Faith (Update) a True Story

Updated on June 14, 2020

Keeping Faith


It broke my heart when my friend Maureen and her family lost their little Angel Hope.

When I wrote "A Glimmer of Hope and Tribute to an Angel" for my friend Maureen and her daughter Maria, I wondered and worried about them many a day always hoping everything is okay.

Email from Maureen

June 25th 2013 I received an email from my friend Maureen which, reads: From my daughter Maria, I wanted to share this with you, now that she is letting the cat out of the bag. These months since the loss of my granddaughter have been very hard on her. We are praying she will now get her little girl...Faith.

From a Glimmer of Hope to Keeping Faith

© by Shyron Shenko

Losing Hope is like half a song

Just the memory and melody lingers on

Hope wasn't with us very long

But sharing our loss has kept us strong

Note from Maria

First, Gary and I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us these last few months. It's been the hardest thing losing our daughter Hope and we will forever miss her.

So here is what God has been doing in our life.

Maria's note continued: So here is what God has been doing in our life.

At the end of April Maria's friend and boss called her into her office and wanting to talk to her. Maria thought, oh great, what did I do? But her friend said it was personal. Something she had been praying about, something she needs to share with her and doesn't know how.

Maria's friend and boss told her that her friend Kathy knew of her situation with Hope and that her daughter's 19 year old sister-in-law was having a baby. The sister-in-law wanted to know if Maria and her husband would like to have her baby.

Poem (Continued)

Maria, this message is for you

A young woman is pregnant, her baby soon due

She has heard of you loss

And she wants to give her little one to you

Maria said Wow!

After lot's of prayer and knowing this could only come from God since Maria and her husband were not looking for a baby, still, they decided to become the parents to their little girl. They planned on naming her Faith.

Poem (Continued)

The young mother out of unselfish love

Surely had guidance from above

Though no one could ever take Hope's place

Faith would be a saving grace

Prayers for God to fill Maria's empty arms

Maria's mother-in-law had been praying for God to fill her daughter-in-law's empty Arms, it has been so hard for her to be around other babies. It looks like God has answered all our prayers to give them more children.

"Ask, and it shall be given you" Luke 11:9

So they are in the final days of welcoming their little girl Faith and they are so grateful for the birthparents for their gift.

The baby is due July 11, 2013. The birth mom still has 2 days after the birth to change her mind, So Maria and her family will continue to walk in faith, that this is God's will for their life with baby Faith.

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:16

The dream of Hope

When baby Hope was in the hospital, Maria had a dream.

Maria had been up all night long and the minister told us she fell asleep for just 2 minuets. In that 2 minuets Maria told us she felt such peace and saw hope about 4 years old running away from her. She said it was a bright sunny day. Hope was wearing pig tails. Just then they woke Maria up to tell her the baby was going and asked if she wanted to hold her. She died in Gary's arms.

I really believe this dream was Hope telling her mother, she must keep Faith.

Poem (Continued)

As the child within her grew

The young mother knew what she must do

She had already planted the seed of Faith in you

Then just as Hope had prophesied

Faith was born on the 4th of July

Maureen & Maria this poem is for you

For Keeping Faith in Love and Truth

Dad and Faith Bonding

Hello Faith, welcome to the world
Hello Faith, welcome to the world | Source

In a Peaceful Moment

Maria keeping Faith
Maria keeping Faith | Source

Keeping Faith

Showered with Blessings from above

We are keeping our Faith

And keeping His Love

Gary, Maria and Grandma Maureen are all Content

Knowing that Faith was Heaven sent

And Grandma Glowing with Pride

The Love in her eyes she cannot hide

Glowing Grandma

Grandma Maureen
Grandma Maureen | Source

And the greatest of these is love

Our Faith is Growing

Our Faith is Growing in Peace and Love
Our Faith is Growing in Peace and Love | Source

From Grandma Maureen

This is my Darling Precious Granddaughter. The joy in our lives.

She truly is a miracle the way she came to us. God truly delivered her on Angel's wings to us.

My Daughter Maria and Her husband Gary are so on Cloud 9. Faith is doing so much healing for everyone. It is the hardest thing to go thru is to loose your child, my Granddaughter Hope.

As you all know she passed on my Birthday but now she continues to live on thru Faith.

Faith Angelina


I Corinthians 13:13

There are in the end three things that last: Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is Love

Little Angel Faith Angelina 8/20/2013 "Hi, everybody, its me Faith, please keep me and my sister Hope in your hearts and prayers"
Little Angel Faith Angelina 8/20/2013 "Hi, everybody, its me Faith, please keep me and my sister Hope in your hearts and prayers" | Source

As our Faith grows so does our Love

You are so funny Grandma
You are so funny Grandma | Source

See how much our Faith has grown

Like Love, our Faith keeps growing day by day, she is so beautiful in every way.
Like Love, our Faith keeps growing day by day, she is so beautiful in every way. | Source

© 2013 Shyron E Shenko



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