Maybe I'm just being silly...But today was that kind of a day...Let me Explain in my most Inevitable way...First off, "I've got a Cold"...of all Times...So here goes another tale, maybe with a Musical Theme...Depending how it unfolds.
I woke up with a Scratchy Throat and remembered a Hub, by Vocalcoach, on Lemons, and the Many uses. She's another Wonderful Writer on Hub Pages. So quick back to her Hub I went to read, "Gargle 1 part Fresh squeezed Lemon Juice and 1 part Warm Water". I can do that, I thought, and I did that! To Spit or not to Spit after the Gargle...I tried both ways, and decided to keep Spitting!. I still had some Lemon left, and remember that she had said it was good for Blemishes...So I thought I'm not broken out yet... but any Woman knows that she can, with a Cold, so I smeared it around my forehead...and my nose...and then I thought ah, do your cheeks too...and so there I was smelling like a Lemon when the cell phone rang.
"I'll get it" Lover Man says coming into the Bedroom as I'm walking out of the Bathroom. "I've got it" I say as I reach for the phone. "Hello" I say. "Hello" says a Cheerful voice at the other end. "It's the N. Palm Beach Permit Department, your Permit is ready...It can be picked up later today, or Tomorrow".
I'm so happy, I feel like I could burst into song..."Tomorrow, Tomorrow, it will be picked up Tomorrow, it's only a Day Away". The voice on the other end responds, "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, will your Electrician pick it up Tomorrow...?" and then in unison, we both sing, "It's only a Day away".
Lover Man smiles, as I hang up the phone, and then sniffs," you smell like Lemons... and what's all over your Face"? I explain what I've done and we both have a good Laugh. Cold or Not, I'm determined to be WELL by tomorrow. It's Amazing, my Scratchy Throat is gone, but now I am Sneezing and it's starting to Rain. "I'm sneezing in the Rain, just sneezing in the Rain...soon I'll be Well and Happy Again"!
And then I bust into another song, "A Rainy Day, in a Florida Town, could get me down, if I let it...forget it...It's my kinda Town...and Lover Man does a little soft shoe dance...and we both sing, "Heaven, I'm in Heaven, and my Heart beats so that I can Hardly speak"...and then the phone rings again.
"Hello" I say. "Hello replies the other voice, It's Ron, you're Electrician". "Oh Ron, I sigh, the Permit Dept. just called me...He interrupts..."They called You and Not Me"..."Yes, I say hesitating before I tell him that the Permit is ready. "But I was about to call you and let you know Ron." "Oh that's ok, he answers, Can you guys meet me at the Condo tomorrow at 10 a.m...I'll swing by and pick up the Permit, either today, or Tomorrow on my way over". "Oh that would be Great" I reply. "Hey you sound like you have a Cold" he says. "I do I answer back, but not to worry for Nothing can keep me Away, Away, from my Condo with the View"...Are you singing? he asks..."No, no, I'm just so Happy it's finally becoming a Reality, and we are one step closer to moving in". "True, he says, and we'll make it start to happen, just you wait and see"... "Tomorrow...Tomorrow, It's only a Day Away". "Ron, I say softly, are you singing? "Me? Nah, he replies, I'll see you guys Tomorrow".
Now if this were a Musical... picture us both hanging up, and then all of us singing, Me, Lover Man, and Ron, all in Unison, (Ron's part) "Tomorrow, Tomorrow I'll see you Guys Tomorrow..." and us, "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, can't wait for Tomorrow, it's only a Day away"!