Happy new year.
After the death of a year, it is the time of making New Year resolutions and chalking out a program for the New Year. Well ,it is very easy to make New Year resolutions, but it is really very hard to stick on them. Making resolutions and breaking them; is a non serious attitude towards life.
But let this not deter you from making fresh resolution this New Year.Here are few tips to guide you and help you to succeed in this year .Follow these tips and make determined resolutions to pave your ways of life.
First promise with your self, that whatever the resolution is, you are going to strict on that; means don’t adopt the attitude of non seriousness towards your resolution. If one day you are following your resolutions; and second day you are showing a moody attitude towards it is nothing but a joke; Joke with your life. But in reality there is no time to joke with life. So Show your firm attitude towards your resolutions.
Be realistic about your programs of New Year. Don’t over except from yourself and make attainable goals. For example a person is going to make a resolution of dieting. And he decided to stop taking his favorite dessert. Which is not possible? So the practical approach would be to limit the intake.
Self Accountability
After making resolutions it is good to pass through the journey of self accountability. Either you are following them properly or just wasting your time .chalk out your program on a page and read that paper every night to remember that what your target is for the year. Be true to your self, and amend yourself when you find yourself wrong.
Don’t wait for 31st December
It is better to follow your New Year program from the first month of the year rather than wait for the last month of the year. Habit of delaying and lazy attitude towards life really brings disappointments and worries in life. So save time. As it is rightly said time and tide wait for none.
Bundle of resolutions
It has been observed that many people makes bundle of resolutions for a year. They want to achieve a lot of goals in a very short period of time. This brings nothing except, confusion. And above all you can’t give proper time to anything. Choose one aim which you really wish to attain in the coming year and than chalk out a concrete program to achieve it.
Strong willpower
Strong will power is also a step towards achieving your goals .Initially it is hard to follow the program strictly. And many problems become the barrier in achieving your goals. Don’t show a weak attitude towards these problems. Plan ahead what would you do in that situation, which is trying to spoil you programs. Keep your will power strong.
You have only one supply of willpower. You use it for a remarkable variety of things: restraining your appetites, making decisions, exerting initiative, performing well in work and school, being good to your loved ones, managing your money, and on and on. The most successful people allocate this judiciously.
Roy Baumeister, social psychologist
Open Resolution:
Make an open resolution because; when every one in your circle knows about your resolution, that makes you stronger to strict about your resolutions. And moreover in that way family members and friend support you to attain your goals. There is also a sense of competition exists that helps you to achieve your goals in a better and successful way.
Monitor your progress
Monitor your progress in every step and don’t fuss over your troubles but find ways to overcome these problems .Daily diary writing is also good to keep the record of your progress.
Reminders are very helpful to achieve the goals. It is good to keep many reminders of different times in different places. You can take help from cell phones and even you can take help from of email reminder services provided by some sites.
Be patience and give time to your self
You need to understand that it takes time to bring change in life, habits and routines. And it is not so easy to achieve the goals in a night. So patience is the key of success and if you face failure in any step don’t lose heart and try again because it takes time to bring change in life and you surely need to keep your spirit up.
You can try again and again in your life but to live in a successful way, it is good to learn from your mistakes. And do not repeat your mistakes every year.
Nobody knows what is written on the wings of time.But it is our responsibility to live every moment of life wisely and make every year of the life memorable. Every New year is like our friend and it is our moral duty to take care our friend
.As TENNYSON rightly said after the death of year of life
His face is growing sharp and thin.
Alack! our friend is gone,
Close up his eyes: tie up his chin:
Step from the corpse, and let him in
That standeth there alone,
And waiteth at the door.
There's a new foot on the floor, my friend,
And a new face at the door, my friend,
A new face at the door.