Haiku - Flower in Bloom
Flower Power
Tis the Spring Season...
Springtime is the season I anticipate most. With the exception of allergy attacks due to pollen and mold.
In Florida, shortly after spring comes summer, my favorite season. Which actually lasts about 6 months.
Wintertime and Springtime are just a bleep on the calendar months for Floridians. These seasons don't last very long. This is just one of the many reasons I love living in Florida.
The spring season is like beginning a new chapter. When everything is exciting and full of life. A new journey is about to begin.
Lawns come back to life from being buried under snow, frost or leaves. The lawns will again look like a field of green grass. The trees will once again provide shade from the sunshine, with a bountiful of new growth.
Flowers bloom. The buds play peek-a-boo. Each day a new one pops up that leaves us in awe. I'm wishing you many flowers to smell, admire, appreciate and to make you smile.
Gerber Daisy
3-Part Haiku in honor of Springtime Flowers
Colorful petals
Amongst the delicate dirt
Whisper in the wind
Sleek stems salute us
Aromas fill the moist air
Pollen makes us sneeze
Natures buds to blooms
Rain showers bring more delight
Happy Spring to you
Spring Flowers
Tis the season for Weeding, Planting, Harvesting, Mowing
Do you like to garden?
Tips for Ordering Flowers online...
- Tips for Ordering Flowers Online
Flowers are a gift appreciated by most women, and even some men. When ordering flowers for someone, do you take into consideration the number of flowers you’re giving or the color or the variety? Use the information contained in this Hub before sendi
© 2013 Linda Bilyeu