How Disney princesses ruined my life
Disney princesses like you've never seen them before
My vision of Disney main female characters
I know that most of the parents think that Disney is books and movies are the most harmless and still enjoyable resources four small children. They seem to have and educational role, considering that it promotes friendship and true love and most of the important values that parents think their children should acquire.
I'm going to tell you the truth about Disney princesses stories and you're not going to like it: they suck. With two exception : Mulan and Kidagakash "Kida" Nedakh from Atlantis!
Why don't I like Disney princesses? It's because their stories promote a false way of life and values that don't apply in our society today. Most of the Disney princesses/main female characters start as innocent girls, loved by everyone and very modest and, as usual, something happens, they go through some rough stuff (but are helped by some fictional non-human friends) and then they find the prince and live happily ever after. Does this sound like reality to you?
Well, for me it was reality and dream for a long time. I really believed that if you were a good and honest and modest person and tried to help others and all that goody-good stuff, that life was going to reward me and find me a nice guy who would love me and cherish me for life. It didn't matter all the rough times I had because, in the end, it was all going to worth it! I was supposed to find a charming chivalrous man, not an evil one that would constantly break my heart. And really, I should have been lovely like a flower and optimistic all the time, not sad and suicidal like I am today!
Think about it this way: why doesn't Disney tell children the whole story? The after the marriage with the prince story? Will their love last forever? Will he cheat on her, or hit her, or neglect her?
No! Of course he won't, because he's only a character in a perfectly fictional children's storybook! It isn't real, people! So why do you still let your children dream that it's going to happen to them? Tell them the truth and don't let those poor souls suffer more when they grow up with unrealistic dreams about life!
I did mention two exceptions to this rule: Mulan and the princess of Atlantis! Personally I like Mulan more, because she's a real fighter and a really strong woman. She's guided by her duty towards her family and her nation and she isn't afraid to bend the rules. Mulan has more courage than even men do and she is ready to sacrifice her life for honor and duty. Now that's what I call a good example for children. Yes, she is female and beautiful and not rough, but still manages to get through some very tough times and even to save some lives.
Now, Princess Kinda of Atlantis also fights for her people but she's not that courageous as Mulan. She doesn't encounter the same obstacles and she always has someone to help her out. But she's a good example too!
I don't know if you've noticed, but most of Disney main female characters are always looking for a man to save them and guide them and offer them a better life. I mean, their main goal is to get married and live a wonderful rich life! Is this a good thing to teach our children (boys or girls)?! That men should always be the one to rescue women from every dangerous situation? Why? Because women are too fragile and helpless?
I don't deny that these stories aren't captivating and somewhat funny sometimes, plus the animations are great, but is their message really good for our children? Because I believed in them and all I got was a crappy " happy ending"!
PS: searching the Internet I've found some interesting drawing of the Disney princesses; some are like pin-up girls and some are goth/creepy! I've posted them here. Hope you enjoy them!