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Casting doubt aside

Updated on July 18, 2014

"“A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.”

― Shannon L. Alder"

Relationship author Shannon Alder puts into poignant words our feelings when

no one supports us in our passions and endeavors.

Raised eyebrows and pitying looks are all too familiar. We receive them when we decide to do what is not conventional. When we decide to sail in a less stable bum boat in our own sea of passion, few want to hand us paddles.


Casting Doubt Aside : A Personal Experience

Going into full-time writing was much like drifting in a rocky bum boat. Many saw my leaving the teaching profession to pursue it as nothing short of insane. Without the empathy or support from even those whom I am closer to, I was left sailing with no paddle.

After two strenuous years of pursuing this interest, I have thankfully begun to harvest some rewards and come closer to the shore I aim for. Moving my bum boat with no paddle has been arduous, yet I would not make any other decision.

You Should Always Follow Your Passion

Sailing with no paddle: casting doubt aside

Indeed, the waters of interest and passion are choppy. How do we press on with no paddle?

1. Remember that life is short.

We have first to remember that we have limited years on Earth. Spending them drowned in activities we are not keen on serves no purpose other than going through pedantic, sometimes fruitless routine.

I spent my teaching years going through such motions. A noble profession it always will be, but it simply never clicked with me. Many times, I was overcome by feelings of loneliness and sometimes, dread.

2. Make your passion your priority.

And then, we must put our passions first. Venturing is never easy, but sailing unchartered waters is less mystifying if it is our personal choice. Truthfully, I look forward to writing tasks and like teaching ones quite little.

When we dare to make our passion our work, it flows more seamlessly. For me, it is definitely easier to please freelance writing clients than errant students.

3. It is difficult to empathize with new ideas.

We must also bear in mind that accepting new ideas and possibilities is frightening. People put down what they do not understand. Safe in a secure net, people dare not reach out to embrace the new.

Exercise patience. Persuading them to understand our need to sail a new course is difficult.

4. People are insecure.

To add, people are insecure. They dislike challenges to their norms. They may, unconsciously or otherwise, envy you for daring to make bold changes.

Ignore these reactions and sail forth anyway.

5. Anything is possible.

Lastly, anything is possible. We may or may not experience success with what we do, but we will be sure to learn and grow. That is already moving forward.


No Paddle: A poem



Bum boat

That slowly drifts

Wades in slow tandem

With the Spirit's uncertain sea




To pull forth

In cold, vast waters

Small boat meanders with unease



The boat

Has to float

In streaming waters

Is of short-lived, beauteous essence



Warm water

Will consume

Tingle with sure truth

And push forth surely, not propelled




None will dare

Swim unchartered sea

Or paddle rustic bum boat forth




Swollen sea

Has concealed beauty

Sweet gems for drifting boat to find.


All of us have experiences of casting doubt aside to share. Feel free to discuss these in the comments!

Original Work by Michelle a Liew Tsui-Lin

All Rights Reserved


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