How to Write the Perfect Poem
Betty's Difficulty Scale
Help Me
| It's Not Too Hard
| I Got This
How many of you have ever written a poem?
Let's Get The Pen Moving
Did you ever wonder if a poem has to rhyme? Well they don't. In my opinion, a poem could be a song. You should be able to express your feelings however you want. My emotions have helped me write a ton of poetry through the years. Love makes us crazy, happy, sad, and even confused. Take what is going on right now in 2020. Covid 19 :( I am sure that many of you are stressed and scared and unsure what to do. I say grab a pen. Writing can help release emotions you may be holding inside.
A Few Suggestions on How to Write A Poem
- Pick an object and write about it. A tree, a ball, or the clouds are an example. Use descriptive words. There really isn't a wrong way to write a great poem.
- Use one of your senses Pick a smell your smelling tell a short story. What do you smell? Does the smell bring back a memory. Kind of like Grandma's best chocolate chip cookies.
- Write about your first love How did your first love make you feel? Were you young? Are you still young?
- Use what is happening in the world How is it impacting you? How is it impacting the world around you? What do you see other's going through?
- Another Poet Use your favorite poet as an inspiration. Quote the poet. Write a poem about a poem.
Free Verse
Hear is an example of just going with emotions at the moment. This would be considered free verse. Free verse is poetry free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm, and does not rhyme with fixed forms. You can still be expressive without rhyme.
the darkening day
screams the same verse
help help help
where does it end
when does it stop
peace peace peace
Betty Lamont 2020
A little poem for how I am feeling about Covid 19. How does what's going on impact you. Write about it.
Final Thoughts
Some say to write for other readers. My favorite poet Emily Dickinson wrote for herself. Most of her work wasn't published until after her death. In other words, be like Emily and create for yourself. Who cares if no one else ever reads it. Reading other poetry can get inspiration and ideas flowing. Just put your pen to paper.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Betty Lamont