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Journaling How 2

Updated on April 1, 2015
Zodiacimmortal profile image

I've always wanted to be a writer in some fashion and now I am... be it blogging, hubs or writing a couple of story or poems for fun

Let your journey guide your hand

Chosing what kind of journal you want to write, if you want to do themes (see page 3) sample pages, templates (more on way), and more. Chose a journal here (or on one of the other pages I made) or make your own (see page 1) . You will also find prompt ideas as well.

What are prompts? a sentence or word that gives you an idea (or is the first sentence) of what to journal. Like Write about your summer vacation, Where did you go on vacation, what did you do there etc.

What License plates did you see on the way to or back from there. (you can even draw them & color in to show the variation especially being I see about 3 - 4 versions of various states (and sometimes there's the ones with a charity on it) out there, and so on,

Page 1 & page 3-Theme Journaling

What will your journal be about? - General or a theme?

If you are one of the ones that uses a binder for a journal That's great because then you can divide each of your interests into part of the books. Search for templates online (see the few I have included below) and print (on looseleaf paper or patterned paper) The template you find online. (I'll include a few links or the templates here for what I mean.)

There's Travel Art there's also Baby, Pet, Fitness/diet to name a few, Books (what read, want to etc) Same for movies. Even a journal on writing a story (keeping names, places and ideas together, and from experience.. it sucks when you cannot draw up a sketch as to what your character looks like.)

Password & Monster High Journal review

Summer Prompts

Masculine bindings - and a couple NOT SURE if they would be considered so

This section is supposed to be for the guys I have include those I thought would be best for the guys for whatever sort of journaling (drawing?) they do.

Masculine Binding search

Masculine Locking Journal

Eccolo Made in Italy Leather 5 x 7-Inch Locking Journal Diary, Black
Eccolo Made in Italy Leather 5 x 7-Inch Locking Journal Diary, Black
This black locking journal is more a unisex but still manly enough for all his secrets to keep locked up. It also makes a great place to write down your Passwords, or use as a family notebook for insurance, emergency and other information, also if you are a marketer or some profession where you do not want someone else to see your ideas.

Fishing Trip Log

Prompt ideas

Your Goals

Reflecting on a book or film (write a review)

Work out an emotional problem

pros & cons

Any ideas that come to mind

Quotes you like

What you did during the summer

Poem, story or Drawing

JOurnal page samples

Click thumbnail to view full-size
sample journal cards for writing about your relationship with your boy or girlfriend or spouseSchool days themed journal cardsJournal cards alie in Wonderland thememisc. journal cardssample of a journal page (I'm guessing travel) by someone from Japan  or China (korea?)  (sorry I don't knwo the dif. between the writings)Do you Scrapbook? Here's a page for you (which should actually be on The Theme journal page. (if you can't print this well from here let me know)Cross stich? I have you covered Se3wing... see belowa varaiety pageJournal prompt ideasa sample Journal entry /format ideaI loved this page as it can be a sample of more than one type!  Art, writing & design to me are all represented here like a designer would w/ fabrica weight loss journalthis was cute but I woulnd't want to draw that out every day! Print maybe... as a summary thoughSewing JournalI thought the tags & ribbons on these were a nice pretty touch and I'm sure mention what year or theme each are.Miscellany daily page
sample journal cards for writing about your relationship with your boy or girlfriend or spouse
sample journal cards for writing about your relationship with your boy or girlfriend or spouse
School days themed journal cards
School days themed journal cards
Journal cards alie in Wonderland theme
Journal cards alie in Wonderland theme
misc. journal cards
misc. journal cards
sample of a journal page (I'm guessing travel) by someone from Japan  or China (korea?)  (sorry I don't knwo the dif. between the writings)
sample of a journal page (I'm guessing travel) by someone from Japan or China (korea?) (sorry I don't knwo the dif. between the writings)
Do you Scrapbook? Here's a page for you (which should actually be on The Theme journal page. (if you can't print this well from here let me know)
Do you Scrapbook? Here's a page for you (which should actually be on The Theme journal page. (if you can't print this well from here let me know)
Cross stich? I have you covered Se3wing... see below
Cross stich? I have you covered Se3wing... see below
a varaiety page
a varaiety page
Journal prompt ideas
Journal prompt ideas
a sample Journal entry /format idea
a sample Journal entry /format idea
I loved this page as it can be a sample of more than one type!  Art, writing & design to me are all represented here like a designer would w/ fabric
I loved this page as it can be a sample of more than one type! Art, writing & design to me are all represented here like a designer would w/ fabric
a weight loss journal
a weight loss journal
this was cute but I woulnd't want to draw that out every day! Print maybe... as a summary though
this was cute but I woulnd't want to draw that out every day! Print maybe... as a summary though
Sewing Journal
Sewing Journal
I thought the tags & ribbons on these were a nice pretty touch and I'm sure mention what year or theme each are.
I thought the tags & ribbons on these were a nice pretty touch and I'm sure mention what year or theme each are.
Miscellany daily page
Miscellany daily page


Daily Food Journal - great if you are trying to lose weight

they even say those that write down what they eat eat less (i guess because we can see what we have, You can see page 3 for more options) I do this, I just note what amount, I don't really count calories I just go by (or try) serving size. Always think of a serving size being the size of your fist, No bigger.

This is also good as if you are diabetic, or have bad cholesterol you can keep track and then turn it into the doctor to show you were (are) at least trying.


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