A Poem for Halloween: I Saw a Black Wing
I Saw A Black Wing
I saw a black wing, dark as night
soar through the moon beams
on a sacred flight.
I heard the heavenly beat of wings in the air
felt the fresh softness of a breeze:
a gently whisper in my hair.
Embracing the night skies, a mystical sight
a vision of black feathers on a journey
sweeping up ward to the skies
carrying a human soul, cleansed of mortal lies.
I heard the melody of an angels song
a lullaby, so softly sung.
Stars sparkle, silent tears in the dark.
The heavens open;
the black wing gone.
Welcomed deep into the skies
euphoria of dwelling souls
no longer in this life.
A soul no longer tormented
free from earthly strife.
To float among the whitest clouds
drift in the blueness of the sky
relish the warmth of a heavenly high.
A spirit in all it's glory.
A wonderful, wonderful thing.
I wonder of the black wing
where he hides
the day light hours?
Passing time, as time passes
I wonder of the black wing
the glimpse I spied.
Dark as cinder ash
larger than an eagle.
Beautiful and strong.
Coal black feathers to a soul tied
and when perhaps I'll see him again!
Will I soar a soul to Heaven...
carried by the black wing?
Will the angels sing
for me?
and the stars cry
glistening tears?
I wonder of these things!
and when perhaps I'II die.
I want to see the heavens
a place of solitude.
A utopia for wandering souls
finally laid to rest.
Perhaps I will, on a black wing
meet the moon beams
and hear the night skies sing.
Hear the beat;
of the powerful black wing
as we steel into the debts of night.
© 2010 Gabriel Wilson