Monday is "Hub Day" for me...to write, to express...to put my words to the test. So, having said that, here are my "Thoughts" for all to read and comment on.
Let me start off by saying, I think, I've created a MONSTER, a WRITING MONSTER, for I have talked Lover Man into Expressing himself. So now he sits at his "Mac" while I sit at mine, and I watch in admiration as he busily creates his First Story. Oh, it's Good, I've been privileged to read the first 5,000 words...He is now on 14,000 words and still going Strong. I had told him from the beginning that his "Characters" would start to "talk" to him, and he has excitedly told me that started to happen 10,000 words in. But now he finds he can't stop...They have taken on a Life of their own... and they are not about to let him stop. His handsome face looks so stressed...This was suppose to be Fun for him.
Mmm, what to do, what to do...I say, "Don't worry honey, you'll know when to end it...It will just happen, it will suddenly seem that you've nothing left to say...and you will be able to put your characters to bed...You will feel satisfaction...after all this is only your first attempt". "I know he say's sounding so excited, but I just can't seem to help myself...they've completely taken over"! He sighs a deep sigh. "I Know, I reply back trying to sound reassuring...Remember when I was writing my book, "Gloria Rosen" and I didn't know how to end it...My Characters actually helped me with the last chapter...and I liked it". I say as I give him a big Smile. He now seemed to be nodding in agreement. "Well then, I say softly, just ask for their help...after all they know they can't go on forever...I know, I've got it"...I say sounding excited. "Tell them there's going to be a Sequel".
The room remains quiet as Lover Man just sits and stares at me for a moment before he speaks..."A Sequel, that's an Idea...a really Good Idea...He hestitates, do you think they'll go for that"? He looks worried. "My Characters are a hard bunch to fool...Not that I wouldn't consider doing a Sequel". He laughs, his mood seemed to have shifted...No more anxiety...He is actually now Smiling. "I feel Rejuvenated, Thanks Honey", he says as he starts to type once again. I give him a big Smile back as I continue working on my Monday Hub. What have I created? I think to myself as I type away on my Mac...He used to be so happy and content just reading a good book. But hey, it's all good, it's all Good!