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Is Alex Trebek Smarter than Einstein?

Updated on March 23, 2014
 don't even wanna know why he's not wearing a shirt.
don't even wanna know why he's not wearing a shirt.

Is Alex Trebek smarter than Einstein?

Of course this hub is fictional and if anyone wants to know Stan Fletcher made me do it.


This is an interesting question and I’m not positive but in my opinion the answer would be no! In fact I suspect that Alex Trebek isn’t even smarter than a 5th grader, and I have suspected this for a long time now.

The reason being that I went to school with Alex Trebek at Fokk University, more commonly known around Hubpages as FU. I was in a couple of classes with Trebek. As a matter of fact Alex and our own Degreek and I were actually in the same class together for the first semester. We took “Pomp and Circumstance 101” together and as I recall Degreek aced this class and Trebek came in a close second.

If I remember correctly, DeGreek was captain of the Polo Team, of which Trebek was also a member and I was the cheerleader. I remember this well because there was only one cheerleader, and it was me. I also remember Trebek and DeGreek always trying to ask me out but I had to turn them both down because I was failing my “Arrogance” class miserably and my parents wouldn’t let me out of the house. The only thing that got me through the "Arrogance", class was my late night tutor sessions with De Greek, God Bless him, without him showing me how to be arrogant, I would've never made it through that class. With De Greek's help I got an "A"!

From what I remember about Trebek however is that he wasn’t very smart, certainly not as smart as De Greek, but his classes served him well because he carried himself with an “assholish” demeanor from then on, which I presume helped in getting him that spot on “Jeopardy”.

Years after graduation I accepted an invitation to the Jeopardy show and was thrilled to be in the audience, but was so disappointed that Alex acted like a complete jackass every time we went to a commercial. If someone gave a wrong answer, Alex would make fun of the poor soul until they were in tears. Of course he always comes off looking so smart because he has those 3*5 index cards in front of him, and I suspect he couldn’t do very well with those questions had he not had those cards. But I remember leaving there thinking that Alex was a real jerk. Fokk University served him well.

Now just for the sake of the argument, and I’m sure there are many people out there who think that Alex Trebek is really smart, I propose that we put Alex in the hot seat and let him come up with some questions to those silly answers on the show. But instead of the usual “Presidents of the U.S” and “Cities of the Midwest” answers, we should jack him up with some really stupid answers such as: “Ketchup“! Or “Your ass from a hole in the ground“! Or “thepenismightier than the sword“! And see how he fares.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Jeopardy show but Alex just really gets on my nerves the way he carries himself, he acts like an ass and seems like he is more than happy to let someone know when they get the answers wrong, and the way he pronounces all those hard names for countries such as N-i-c-a-r-a-g-u-a, with that perfect enunciation. He also wants everyone to know right away that he is from Canada, as he mentions it constantly and makes sure that he pronounces about like aboot every chance he gets.

Yea maybe Trebek is a reasonably smart dude but he seems to always forget that we know he has the answers in his hands at all times so really, how smart can he really be? As far as Einstein, he’s probably rolling over in his grave being compared to this idiot. Anyway, just my take on things and Ill take a brand new pair of white tube socks for 400 please Alex!!!!

This one fell through the cracks.

One of my fav SNL charactors on Jeopardy Sean Connery

© 2010 ladyjane1


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