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I've Been Warned-Stay Away From De Greek

Updated on March 23, 2014
Adonis from Greek Mythology
Adonis from Greek Mythology
La Notte Bianchi
La Notte Bianchi
The sexy sexy Marcello Mastriaonni
The sexy sexy Marcello Mastriaonni

It Started Innocent Enough

The other night my husband and I were watching an old foreign flick. La Notte Bianche with Marcello Mastroianni , whom I think is just real dreammmmy! I wasn’t much paying attention to the movie, as I had my laptop and was reading some hubs, as is my usual schedule in the evenings. My husband was paying more attention to the movie than I was. Then my husband asked me an interesting question, he said, “Do you think that Mastiraonni was sexy”? I, without any hesitation at all, said, “but of course”. Then he asked if I would rather have a sexy man or a good-looking man, and I explained that good looks maybe important to some people, but I think sexy is always better than good-looking. My husband thought for a second and made the mistake of asking me what makes a man sexy?

Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt

Things getting worse

Well I started digging my grave slowly at first and then picked up speed as I went along, but started out by explaining that some men, such as certain actors are either very good-looking, but not that sexy, or vice versa for that matter. People like Joaquin Phoenix, whom I think is very sexy but not that good looking. And then there is Brad Pitt who is both good-looking, (Imho) and sexy, especially in Legends of the Fall, my favorite Brad Pitt movie. And then I did the unthinkable and most stupid thing you can imagine.

 The Famous De Greek
The Famous De Greek


At that moment that I was (ahem digging my grave), I was actually on De Greek’s newest hub and told my husband that there are just certain men that are sophisticated, debonair, intelligent, funny and no matter how old or young they are, or even how good-looking they are, it makes them sexy….such as De Greek here on Hubpages…(digging grave faster now). So then my husband looked at me perplexed and said, “I want to see a picture of de De Greek (he has an accent so he puts de in front of almost every word so it was so funny that I had to bite my lip from laughing, because if anyone knows me, once a smirk happens upon my lips it soon blows up into a full blown laugh, and I so didn’t want to do this.) So my husband proceeded to look at De Greeks picture, which was really hard to see because of the size, and he went into a jealous rage, (which isn’t anything like him, because I have never known him to be jealous at all). But the mere mention of the word Greek set him off for some reason.

We're innocent I tried to tell him!

I went on to explain that I thought that De Greek was just a great writer on Hubpages, and that he makes me laugh with his humor and I was just trying to make my point about sexuality in men and what attracts me to them. So then he said,” So you are attracted to de De Greek? And I said, (grave almost dug completely), Look, De Greek is married, I am married, but maybe in a galaxy far far away, if we both weren’t married, I definitely wouldn’t mind his shoes under my bed once in awhile. OMG! I should have never said that, So I tried to recover and I started to tell him that De Greek is just a Hubville friend and he comments on my hubs and I comment on his, that there has never been anything inappropriate between us, except maybe a colon smile :) for God’s sakes. (Okay so by now I am totally in my grave and he is filling it with soil), I said, “I MEAN A VIRTUAL SMILE”!

Wayne Brown
Wayne Brown
De Greek and his wife
De Greek and his wife

I'm To Blame!

At any rate I know it was all my fault as my husband stormed out of the room, after all he raised an eyebrow when I dedicated a poem to MFB III, and he sees me looking at Wayne Brown’s picture maybe just a little too long sometimes (I love cowboys, there I said it). So I had to smooth things over with my dear husband who I just found out after 9 years of marriage is a little insecure….shh. So then we recovered from this fiasco, but I can’t watch anymore Mastriaonni movies, and unfortunately, I have been warned, Stay away from De Greek!!

I have to add here that De Greek didn’t have anything to do with what happened and has always been a gentlemen in all his correspondence with me and although, he is popular with the lady’s here on hub pages, he does always mention his wife and how much he loves her. So in no way do I mean any disrespect to De Greek or his wife. It was all me, and I shall be the one sleeping on the couch for a couple nights….maybe. And boy do I have a big mouth!

© 2010 ladyjane1


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