Poem: It's The Time For Double Blankets
Staying Warm During The Chilly Months
What measures do you take to stay warm during the winter? Space heater? Slippers? Maybe you have a wood stove or electric heating? Or do you have a gas fireplace that heats up the entire house? Sometimes it's necessary to do a little more than the normal. Contrary to popular belief, nippy noses are NOT fun. So what do you do? I use double blankets!
The Time For Double Blankets
It's the time for double blankets,
double layers,
thick, and cotton.
For quilts and throws
to fend off the freeze,
as snuggies and hoodies
fend off the sneeze.
The time for nippy noses
and extra socks for
toasty toeses.
The time for softer singing,
cinnamon scents,
and coco heating.
The time for thicker pj's,
comfy pillows, and
snuggly laze days.
I brought out my
thick blanket
and put it in its
place today
atop my summer quilt.
I wore long-sleeved pj's
and slept snug
under double warmth.
I actually dried my hair
before bedtime
to stave off
midnight chill.
And I brought out my
tiny square space heater
to me to soak its fill.
It's the time for double blankets,
for double layers,
thicker clothes.
It's the time
for colder weather,
nippy noses,
winter's chill.
It's the time
for season's changes,
cinnamon spices,
and good will.
I love my double blankets
and am ready for peaceful still.
Staving off winter's chill.
If you live in a warmer climate, I envy you! In Pennsylvania, we never know if it's going to be a mild or tough winter, if we're going to be breaking our backs trying to keep up with the snowfall as we shovel, or cozying in our kitchens with a glass of hot coco and simply watching the flakes make their way to the frosted earth.
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What's the FIRST thing you do when the chill creeps in?
© 2011 Jennifer Kessner