Limerick of The Man Eater
Getting fed up....
For some there is nothing quite sweeter,
than to be a man who's a good eater.
But then there are some
whose meals are just dumb.
They repeat, repeat, a repeater.
Now a man such there was
who decided because
such meals left him fatter,
he would change things no matter,
to food favorites without such flaws.
He hired two young cooks,
best noted for their looks.
They started last Friday.
He thought, "This is my day."
Alas, as cooks they were shnooks.
The meal they prepared,
he could have been spared.
Their services far from complete,
turned out just another repeat,
of meals he had earlier shared.
He fired just one;
kept the other for fun.
giving lie to the phrase
once heard in past days,
"Heart and stomach are one."
There's a moral you see,
if you didn't it's free:
some things that we seek
devolve when we're meek,
to change that's best for "we".
© 2020 Demas W Jasper