Listen To The Children Cry
You watch a child grow and get many consents.
And no one hears the children, they only hear their parents.
So open your ears people, and hear the child.
They're sweet, innocent, meek, and mild.
There are different ways to abuse a kid.
Some parents will say, 'hey, I never did'.
Sometimes we hurt our children bad,
and that makes them very sad.
You sometimes think the parent's the child,
and the child's the adult.
Both of them trying to blame one another
for who's at fault.
So parents should not argue or fuss or fight.
They think they know who's wrong or right.
So, one day there comes divorce,
and they let justice take its course.
They treat each other dirty and mean.
The child is the one torn between.
One goes there and the other stays,
so they go their separate ways.
Never thinking how bad it hurts a child.
This little person so meek and mild.
The mother takes the child,
after the final papers are filed.
Then, one day the mother makes a mistake,
and over coals does her ex-husband rake.
They take her to court to take her child.
This little guy so meek and mild.
He sees and hears only what he's told.
The words they sound, oh, so bold.
He doesn't understand what's coming down,
but he takes it with a laugh or a frown.
So then there comes the final say,
and with his daddy he must stay.
The child feels as though he's going to smother.
"God, I'm going to have to leave my mother."
We inflict on our children alot of pain,
and on their little hearts we put alot of strain.
So there sits this man who will decide the child's fate.
This man who hasn't seen the parents hate.
So to the father, the child he gives.
Never wondering, if that's where the child wants to live.
So Mr. Judge try to be a child's friend, when you judge his fate.
Make sure the change is for the better not money or hate.
Because one day you know that our God is standing by,
and he always listens to the children cry.
By J
- Losing Custody Of Child Poem, My Lost Love, My Lost Child
Divorce Poem, A parent who loses custody of his child lets the child know that they are not forgotten and that he looks forward to the day that they will be reunited - Custody Quotes - BrainyQuote
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