Lucky Truth
The apple never falls far from the tree
But, the apple can develop into a tree - and become an essential part of the universe
A universe of infinite possibilities
Reality becomes real.
The tree fights to live - and endures an education of agony
Soon, this beautiful tree sees the light
Clarity stands out through the details
Finally, the truth is visible
But, so are the many battles ahead
Life proves to be a powerful obstacle
But for this determined tree, nothing is impossible
This tree will not be shaded by another tree anymore
This tree will uproot itself so that it can sprout in virtue
Unsure, the tree takes a leap of faith
Doing that which it knows to be good
Sacrifice becomes strife – and awareness becomes painful
This pain creates an insufferable burning
Consciousness turns the burning into an inferno
Morphing as the fire performs its ballet
Everything melts away
This singular tree leaves a large mark on the earth
The ashes dance gracefully into the world
At last, the tree is finally liberated
Unbound by darkness and false perception
The new life, born of flames spreads into the infinite possibilities
Unknown is the future of this tree’s life force
But unknown is only scary to the bound
Open the mind – and see the light
See the ashes – and be in high spirits
Be free – and trust life
This is me…