Only Myself To Blame - A Poem
The Hardest Lesson
There are many lessons to learn throughout life. One of the hardest lessons for me was learning to accept responsibility for my own life. I spent too much time blaming others for the things that went wrong in my life. I continued to struggle until I finally accepted that I was the cause of my problems.
Only Myself to Blame
My eyes stare down upon the sight
Twisted pieces lie on the ground
They used to be my hopes and dreams
Now symbols of my life unbound
With so many roads now travelled
And so many miles behind me
I have come to know this path well
And its truth I can clearly see
I have driven myself forward
Towards this unforesaken place
With Near sighted choices, I have
Created my very own place
A strange concept, destination
So easy it is to arrive,
Yet so difficult to escape
When all we hope is to survive
© March 3, 2013 by Christopher J. Wood