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Regis Auffray - A Shining Star that Touches Our Lives

Updated on July 28, 2017
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Lena Kovadlo is a writer for various content-sharing websites. She's the author of 12 books and helps other authors publish theirs.

Regis Auffray
Regis Auffray

Meeting Regis Auffray

I first met Regis Auffray on a popular writing community called AuthorsDen ( He had left a comment on one of my poems I had posted on the site. Having read his wonderful review I decided to visit his page on the site and check out his writing. And I have not regretted it for a minute.

His words (most of which are in the form of poetry) moved me in many ways and took my breath away. I could feel all the emotion escaping from within him. He held nothing back and really bared his soul. I felt like he was speaking to me through his words that flowed like a gentle stream. I was forever hooked on his writing and knew that I would be returning to his page time and time again. And that is exactly what I have been doing for a number of years.

I have read many wonderful poems that Regis has brought to life and chose to share with the world. They all seem effortless, as if the words flow onto the page one after the other with no need for editing to be done. And maybe they are effortless indeed as Regis is such a talented poet and writer.

The Poetic Stylings of Regis Auffray

There are many topics that Regis writes about, and many styles he writes in, when he brings to life his poetic creations. He has a large collection of limericks that will make you laugh, smile, but also make you think. There is enough material in his collection of limericks to publish a book and I do hope that Regis finally makes that happen. I will admit I am not a fan of that type of poetry but limerick lovers will find his limericks a real treat.

Aside from limericks, Regis writes haikus, senryus, free verse, and other styles of poetry. Regardless of the style he writes in, he nails it every time. Never will you find yourself disappointed when you read Regis's poetry. The quality really is top notch.

His writing speaks to the soul, to the heart. It is filled with so much emotion. There is no way it will leave you unaffected. There is no way you will feel empty after reading his work. If you haven't had the chance to read his poetry yet (and other writings for that matter) please do so now. You will not regret it. Just head to and search for Regis Auffray. You cannot miss him.

The topics that Regis covers in his poetry vary but a lot of his work focuses on relationships and love. Not surprising as Regis is quite a romantic and his heart is filled with so much love. I will not be surprised to learn that his words make all the ladies blush and smile from ear to ear. And I have the feeling that's exactly what happens.

Whenever I am having a bad day, or feel empty, or feel like there is no reason to smile, all it takes is a glance at Regis's words and a smile spreads across my face. My spirits are lifted and at least for that moment I feel as if everything will be all right. And that's a mark of a true talent and that is what Regis is. He is a shining star that touches my life and the lives of everyone who meets him along the way.

I am truly honored to know Regis Auffray and I know that he has a bright future ahead of him. He already is a shining star and he will continue to shine and leave a legacy on us for many years to come.

The Creative Sides of Regis Auffray

Aside from writing poetry, which is one of his main passions, Regis is also passionate about other creative arts. He enjoys photography and is fortunate to live in a place surrounded by lots of breathtaking scenery. If you ever come across Regis's photographs you will be blown away. He really has a keen eye for photography; even if he may not think so himself.

Besides photography, Regis enjoys singing with his choir, and performing on stage. He has been doing this for a while. It brings him a lot of joy and pleasure to share his gift with others. And we welcome it and embrace it for he fills our hearts and souls with the same pleasure and joy that he receives from doing what he loves.

The Books of Regis Auffray

Regis Auffray is an author of five books. One book is a collection of short stories, while the others are poetry books. All are available on, Amazon, and other online retailers.

His first book is called Born Again: The Limericks of Régis and it is a book of limericks. The book features a collection of hundreds of wonderful limericks that Regis has brought to life. It's a real treat! And if you are not a limerick fan you will be after reading this book.

His second book is called Glimpses. Unlike his first book, this book features "real" poetry from the heart and soul that is beautiful and emotionally charged. This kind of poetry, especially the "romantic" kind is his special touch. I have his book in my hands and can indulge in every poetic creation that lies within the book whenever I want.

His third book is called Through the Mist. It features a collection of poetry that is sure to move you and make you think.

His fourth book is called Tales and Whispers. It is a collection of short stories (both in French and English) and personal quotes.

His fifth book is called Amusing Encounters: More Limericks from Regis. It features a collection of his newly written limericks that you will enjoy! You may even find some written about you...

We all need Regis's words, we all need a piece of his love, to keep us going, to instill us with hope and warmth and happiness. At least that is the way I feel. And I hope you will feel the same way once you get to know Regis and read his amazing books. They will touch you in many ways.

The second poetry book from poet Regis Auffray that was written from the heart and is filled with a great deal of emotion.

Biography of Regis Auffray

Regis Auffray lives in Chilliwack, British Columbia (Canada) but is originally from Peace River, Alberta (Canada). He is fluent in both French (his first language) and English. It is not surprising then that Regis is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with an Education Degree in French and English.

He has been an educator in middle school and high school and is now on early retirement, spending his time reading, writing poetry, taking photography, singing with his choir, and performing on stage in concerts and in musical productions. Aside from these creative passions, he also enjoys cycling and hiking, and spending time with family and friends.

His poetry has been featured in many publications and has earned him wins in various poetry contests. The list is quite long to include here so head to his page on AuthorsDen to find out all his achievements in the poetic world.

Q & A with Regis Auffray

(1) What are you inspired by?

I am inspired by things/people/happenings that awaken emotions and thoughts within me. I am often blessed with words (inspiration) in the middle of the night but inspiration often comes at the most unexpected times.

(2) I agree. Inspiration can indeed come at the most unexpected times and even places. Once you bring a piece of writing to life how do you go about editing it?

I must admit that I do not "edit" my writing very much at all. It just seems to flow and I just write down what comes. It is very helpful and handy to have a digital recorder available when it is dark and the time is not apt for writing.

(3) Your work seems effortless... What are your thoughts on the feedback you receive for the writing you share with others?

I am grateful for the support and encouragement that comes from others in the form of their thoughts on my various creative writing attempts. Lena, you are one of my most faithful supporters and I really do appreciate it.

(4) Thank you Regis. I am one of your biggest fans. What else do you enjoy doing besides writing?

Besides writing I enjoy reading and movies. I am an avid cyclist although not as obsessive about it as I used to be. Lol! I also enjoy singing and have belonged to a local choir for several years now.

(5) I know you love to sing but you also love to perform for others... Have you had any opportunities to be on stage and do what you love?

I was fortunate to play two parts in a local production of "West Side Story" (Doc and Glad hand) and more recently, I was one of the papas in "Fiddler on the Roof." The choreography was challenging but in the end, it all came together very well and I enjoyed the experience and learned a lot from it. It was also worthwhile to get to know new people.


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