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Sex is Way Overrated - A Rant
A few months ago, I wrote a hub on sex fantasy. When I submitted it, all ads appeared in and outside my hub. By night time, however, all the ads within the hub were gone but, the ads on the right side and at the bottom of the page were still there. Well, I was confused and, I must confess, a tad annoyed. "Are sex topics not allowed?" I wondered. As at the time, I was new here on Hubpages, I wanted to know.
So, I sent Hubpages an email. Big mistake. Upon reviewing my said hub, it was found that my hub covered "sensitive or sexually related topics" which are not acceptable to many advertisers. Henceforth, all ads by Google were turned off on said hub. Well, I'll be darn! I was just trying to prove that having sex fantasy is normal and healthy. That was offensive? In this day and age, sex is still taboo? But as I didn't want to be on the wrong side of Hubpages and the giant G, I did what any law abiding citizen would do in a likely situation. I deleted the offending hub and swore not to have sex ever again... I mean not to write about sex again. Bah! Humbug! I say. Sex is way overrated anyway.
Now, really, what is sex good for? It doesn't make us rich. It doesn't make us smart. It doesn't cure the common cold, or stop global warming, or promote world peace now, does it? And does it help stop world hunger? Not at all.
So, what exactly does it do? It makes us do extremely dangerous stunts like hanging from the chandelier with one foot on the windowsill and the other on top of the dresser. It makes us say stupid things.... like "I love you", "Oh you're the best", "Will you marry me?", "Wanna have another go?", even if we don't really mean it. It makes us moan and groan, contort our faces, and scream the name of the Lord in vain. Sooner or later it will produce high level of emotional stress that will drive us insane. It is unhealthy. Sex is just wrong wrong wrong, and we have to put an end to it!
Now, according to the Home Depot man, the most important household items we should have are WD-40 and duct tape.
There is a saying "If it moves and it shouldn’t; put duct tape on it. If it doesn’t move and it should; put WD-40 on it."
So I was just thinking, if we compare sex to household products, like WD-40, duct tape or Bounce, these items are useful, cheap and multi-functional. There is a rumour that the government had spent billions of dollars on scientific research proving WD-40 and duct tape can actually reduce stress.
Now you know what WD-40 and duct tape can do. Bounce can be used as mosquito repellent, it can eliminate static electricity from your tv screen, dissolve soap scum from shower doors, freshens the air in your home and in your car, collect cat hair, and eliminate odors in wastebaskets, shoes or sneakers. Need I say more?
So there you go... Now I ask you to make your own personal choice about what you want to do. Do you want to be stressed out, say stupid things, and spend all of your money on superficial things to keep having more sex?
Or, do you want the heavenly stress-free life (with a very clean house, I must say) surrounded by loyal, useful and grateful household friends?
The choice is yours.
Before you make a hasty decision, read more about the many uses of WD-40 and duct tape.
Look! Look! WD-40 is amazing!
Look! Look! You can make a duct tape wallet
Do you agree that sex is overrated?
Did you know? by Rosie2010
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