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So-Much-Makes-Sense-Once-We-Get-the-Connections - Merry Christmas Everyone

Updated on May 28, 2020
Beata Stasak profile image

Beata works as a qualified primary school teacher, a councillor for drug and alcohol addiction and a farm caretaker for organic olive grow.

One family Christmas in Australia

Christmas Greeting to our joey, we saved from a dying mother and released back to wild.
Christmas Greeting to our joey, we saved from a dying mother and released back to wild.
Our usual Christmas tree to remind us of real pine trees growing wildly where we come from.
Our usual Christmas tree to remind us of real pine trees growing wildly where we come from.
Sharing the presents under our Christmas tree that cost so little but are priceless to us.
Sharing the presents under our Christmas tree that cost so little but are priceless to us.
Our Boxing Day 'barbie' with friends who come from the same country as us.
Our Boxing Day 'barbie' with friends who come from the same country as us.
Our family Christmas corner with our deceased ancestors to remember them.
Our family Christmas corner with our deceased ancestors to remember them.
Celebrating New year on our backyard to dance and sing and be grateful for our good life.
Celebrating New year on our backyard to dance and sing and be grateful for our good life.
On our backyard on the Christmas morning to greet new day,
On our backyard on the Christmas morning to greet new day,
Cleaning after Christmas celebration and everyone is giving a hand.
Cleaning after Christmas celebration and everyone is giving a hand.
Our Labrador likes the native flora growing in our front garden.
Our Labrador likes the native flora growing in our front garden.
Sitting in a tree on our backyard feels good for our children after their chores are done.
Sitting in a tree on our backyard feels good for our children after their chores are done.
Enjoying our ocean backyard is the must for every Christmas to come.
Enjoying our ocean backyard is the must for every Christmas to come.
Going for a ride in a friend motor boat is something our boys never miss out on.
Going for a ride in a friend motor boat is something our boys never miss out on.
Going for a ride in a yacht is even more enjoyable for them.
Going for a ride in a yacht is even more enjoyable for them.
Admiring an old ship, which the first migrant used to get to Australia while looking confidently towards the future.
Admiring an old ship, which the first migrant used to get to Australia while looking confidently towards the future.
I am the lucky one, I live in Australia. The expression on my children’s faces say.
I am the lucky one, I live in Australia. The expression on my children’s faces say.
The Christmas holiday’s mornings are also spent on the Swan River.
The Christmas holiday’s mornings are also spent on the Swan River.
Sailing on the Swan River is a family custom now.
Sailing on the Swan River is a family custom now.
Christmas bush flowers that grow only in this season are spectacular
Christmas bush flowers that grow only in this season are spectacular
Sailing away on an old ship on the second Christmas Day was a dream come true for our children.
Sailing away on an old ship on the second Christmas Day was a dream come true for our children.
Taking part in the annual Christmas Yacht Race was another dream that came true for them.
Taking part in the annual Christmas Yacht Race was another dream that came true for them.

Celebrate Christmas with your sponsored child

A decade ago my last child was born

around the first Christmas we nearly lost him

I realised, in this world

life is a fickle thing

Across the world

ten million children

die every year

Often I find

I will go for an hour drive

and I will see three or four things

in someone's backyard

through the shop window

in the street

that seem marvellously funny,

moving and precious

moments frozen in time

happy snaps of our fortunate lives,

' Celebrate Christmas

with your sponsored child'

a 'World Vision' billboard

around the corner

greeted me

I suddenly realised

that my little sheltered life,

my sick baby and my family

are not the only things

I should worry about.

Soon there will be another Christmas

my youngest son is ten

and so is my sponsored child


May you be blessed with a long life

my dear sponsor.'

I read again his brief report of his life.

He lived in a small fishing village

in North West part of Sri Lanka

there was no water for drinking,

the climate was very hot and dry.

His Father could not catch any fish

so he started to farm,

the only food he ate was rice.

Few years back

a Christmas tidal wave came

and swept his village away

a long civil war started again

in his Tamil homeland

and was lost to the Sinhalese

ruling side.

He wishes to have a home,

to have enough to eat,

to go back to school,

to study to be a doctor,


he is one of the 300,000 displaced

Tamils in Sri Lanka

locked in a internment camp

looking for a way out...

he is lucky

he still has his family around.

I folded his translated letter

with a big sigh

I realised, in this world

life is fickle thing

I am so grateful

he is still alive.

Across the world

ten million children

die every year

l go for another drive

and see careless people

through the shop windows

absorbed in pre-Christmas

shopping spree

moments frozen in time

happy snaps of our fortunate lives

at the same time

in the middle of the ocean

Tamil women and children

risk their lives

with people smugglers

fleeing the genocidal war

seeking a better life

on our shores

maybe next time

there will be

among them

my sponsored child.

They are refugees

asylum seekers

illegal immigrants

dispossessed of all necessities of life

'How many boat people should we allow in?'

ask Australians casually:

' If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot,

but you want our jobs, free education and health care,

therefore you come here on your leaking boats.'

'Go back, where you belong.'

'Stop the increasing tide of uninvited immigrants.'

I read the new billboards

on a street corner

next to Christmas angels

spreading joy and love.

I mingle among the crowd

full of Christmas cheer and spirit

my fellow Australians

many of them immigrants,

'boat people of the past'

what happened to us?

We can stop the wretched

reach shore

we can violate international law

we do not care if there is no

safe place for them at home

we are protecting our borders,

our comfort, our way of life.

Across the world

ten million children

die every year








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